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Loving someone so much but you dont know how they feel.


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Over summer i met the sweetest guy. We talked alot durning the summer and became good friends. I have feelings for him more then just friends. I have told him how i feel. He tells me that he likes me but we cant be together because of our age differences. We both like each other but sometimes i feel like he dont care for me like i do him. I always try to see when whenever he is in town from college. He tries to see me too but i just feel like i make more effort in it. We cant have a public relationship because he is 6 years older then me. He tells me that we can wait until im 16 but i feel like he will have forgotten about me and things wont be the same as they are now.I hardly get to see him anymore since he is away at college. I miss him so much and i wish i knew what to do. Should i just let what we have keep going? Or should i end it right now before i end up in a heartbreak. If anyone has any advice please email me back..Thanks!

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I feel for you my dear. You've already given yourself the best advice. Let him go. He's not the one destined to win and keep your heart. He's at the age where his life is changing dramatically almost on a daily basis. It's not for any lack of concern and affection he has towards you, it's just he knows what's right for the both of you. He's just too old for you.


It's going to hurt, a lot. It already does. Only time, and friends will eventually lesson the pain. As you're going through the next ten or so years of your life, you might find that you always have an attraction to those who are....older. That's fine, when YOU'RE 20,21 years old. At fifteeen, it's criminal. A miserable age for all of us, but it's these formative years that will create the basis of your character for the rest of your life. The best/worst time of our lives.


You can keep a special place in your heart for this guy. That's fine. Try to keep in mind he's doing what's best for you. Eventually you'll be able to look back upon this time of your life without pain, and realize how lucky you were that he had the respect for you to not cross this very important line.


Sorry it hurts so much. Good luck.

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Shy_guy is 100% right.


He is to old for you and you should leave this relationship alone. You have alot to experience in the upcoming years and you are only going to be hurting yourself by trapping yourself behind someone far away this is so much older than you.


But things will work out.


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  • 1 month later...

i know how you feel. i am going through the exact same thing. i want to spend all of my time wtih this guy that is 4 years older than me. he is in college and i would do anything fo rhim to feel for me as much as i do for him. i would tell him how i feel but i don't want to scare him off if he feels different. i care about him so much. he spends all of his time at work and school. i wish i new what to do also.

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