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Hate Being So Short!!!!!!

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I am only 4'11". In school the kids never let me forget about my height but as an adult a rarely give much thought to my height unless some insensitive person feels the need to call me a midget. My mom was only 4'10" so she made a point of building up my confidence in myself by telling me things like "dynamite comes in small packages", "good things come in small packages", "tall guys always like short girls and this makes the tall girls jealous". Almost every guy I have dated has been 6'3" and they love the fact that I am short and petite and think I have the greatest leggs. Because of being short and always feeling the need to prove myself I have always excelled at everything I do and am very atheletic so the guys like the fact that I keep myself in shape. I am 45 and have a grandson and people are shocked because I don't look my age and never have. There is no perfect because what appeals to one person's eye doesn't necessarily appeal to anothers. As my boyfriend recently told me (he is also 6'3") embrace your size.

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Hey dizzylizzy, you were lucky that your mom was proud of you and did a lot to bolster your self-esteem and your self-image, even though you were small. My mom hated my height and her friends used to make fun of me to her about my height. My mom hated that and would turn around and blame me for making her look bad to her friends (since I was so small). I used to curl up on my bed a lot and cry myself to sleep when my mom went on rampages like that, blaming me for making her look bad, or attracting unwanted attention from people, because I was so small.

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Not being funny Ren, but your mum sounds like she has a lot of problems- and you're not one. Genetics is as genetics does.


I'm 5'2" and never notice it until someone taller than me comes along.


But most of the men I like a 5'10" + The tallest guy I dated was over a foot taller than me at 6'6" and it was great.


Remember, little gets in places bigger never could... ~stealth ninja mode~

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Renaissance, I think my mom could sympathize because she had lived it. My parents aren't people to wallow in self pity or ones to play the victim so I never got away with doing much crying over myself. They always made me stand up and brush myself off. I'm sorry to hear that your parents weren't more supportive. My oldest sister is mentally retarded so we were raised not to make fun of anyone as it can be very hurtfull. All we can do is learn and grow by their mistakes.

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WOW Orgas......very cool to be that tall!!!

I guess it would be neat to live the life of a tall person for a day..and a tall person as a short person..just to see if it's what we'd REALLY want!


I don't want to be shorter. I like being tall. I was never made fun of, and those that even notice are in awe of my height.


True, it's a pain buying clothing, but I'm so used to it, it's really not so much of a bother anymore.


Some other things that I have to live with but most other people don't even notice: My feet go over the edge of the bed if I stretch out, going down into basements with low ceilings can be traumatic, backseats of cars are often uncomfortable, lectures in lecture halls are cramped, I can't always cross my legs at a table and so on and so forth. But again, it all comes with the territory, I'm not complaining

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Same here! My Mom always said the same things about short people. I'm maybe 5'0, so I get a lot of short jokes, thankfully no one pats me on the head anymore, because I would seriously smack them. I hate that! it really does make you feel like a kid. My bf is 6'2, and honestly, I don't even notice. We had been dating for about a month and I looked at the two of us in the mirror and that was the first time I even noticed the gigantic height difference. I used to hate being short, and whine about it, and protest it, but I don't see the point in it. I can't change it, so I've accepted it, and I enjoy it Guys have always liked my legs as well, and I have been working out a lot, so I feel like this strong little tank of a woman lol

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It's funny because I was short in middle school and the first half of high school. Then I shot up 5 inches between my sophomore and senior year and grew two more inches in college. I had big feet when I was little, I was in a woman's shoe size by the time I was in the 5th grade so I eventually grew into my feet! LOL But height runs in my family. My mom is 5'8", my dad is just over 6 feet, my little brother is 6'3", my dad's brother is 6'3" and my great grandfather was over 6 feet tall too.


Usually we grows won't grow that much during our high school year, that would be like the end of it. Your case is that of a guy's growth spurt, weird one. At 12 I was 5"6", then I stopped growing for a long time, then when I 16, I grew one more inch and that was it. Yea, height does run in the family most of the time, that's for sure. Dad's almost 5"11" and mom's just 5"3 1/2" and then after course then is my lil 4 year old bro. I'm guessing he'll probably be 6 ft. when he grows up.


By the way, I do got reminded of this one girl from elementary school and her growth spurt was also late as yours kendall. When we were 10, she was 4 inches shorter than me. Haven't seen her for a long time, and then I accidently see her on myspace, now she's 5"7", my exact height.


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I know, just think how many clothes I had to buy in a two year period. LOL It's funny, when I was in the 10th grade, I was in the marching band. I wore my uniform from September-November for football season. Then in February, we were going to Florida for our trip. I tried on my uniform to make sure everything was okay and my pant hem was above my ankles!! It looked like I was expecting a flood! Talk about highwaters! Needless to say, I had to exchange my uniform for longer pants.:splat:

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For a long time I "preferred" men in the 5'6"-5'10" range as I thought it was nicer having someone more at my eye level, but then I met my boyfriend whom is 6'3" and I could not care less about height! Actually, he too before me preferred taller women (over 5'6") then met me and realized good things come in small packages too.


If your boyfriend had been 5'3", would you have made the same decision?

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If your boyfriend had been 5'3", would you have made the same decision?


Yes, if he was him! As I mentioned in my post, I have dated men of all heights, that was just my "preference" since the original poster asked what our preferences were.


The shortest man I dated was actually 5'2", though it was not a very long relationship (couple months maybe?). But it did not end because of height!


One of my coworkers (female) is 6' tall, her boyfriend is 5'4", they have been together a couple years now.

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Are you kidding?!!!!! I am the same hight as you are. 158 cm. And I think that I look good, very good.If you're proportional great! Kyle minouge is small and proportional!


And I don't wear high heals. Never. Completely flat. High heels only on special occasions. I never even considered that to be my problem. If it's something you can't change so you need to live with it and made some sort of a label or trade mark out of it.


If your heels are to high you will look weird. It's like you're telling the whole world: I feel that I'm too small so I am walking on this huge heels and I can barely walk.

Tall guys like small girls. My current bf is 196 cm. The one before him was 193. The smallest was having 183. And I don't choose them intentionaly. Nope. They see me first.


Enjoy yourself and have fun. Be worried about filling your mind and improving. Don't bother yourself about your hight. There are much bigger problems than that. Some people are seriously sick and you are worried about your hight?!


O.k. I gave you several possible reasons why I think there is no need to be worried about it. You choose the one you find the best.




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I remembered another reason: guys like you short because they can manipulate with you great during sex. Trust me. They're happy about it. I am 158cm and 48 kg. And every now and than I got that question how tall are you? and how much do you weight? And when I answer it the guy goes: first huge smile on his face, than wow, you are great for sex. so many possible solutions. he he he he.

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I remembered another reason: guys like you short because they can manipulate with you great during sex. Trust me. They're happy about it. I am 158cm and 48 kg. And every now and than I got that question how tall are you? and how much do you weight? And when I answer it the guy goes: first huge smile on his face, than wow, you are great for sex. so many possible solutions. he he he he.


I resent this.


I'm about 180cm and 63kg. I can have sex with the best of them. "They can manipulate a small body better"? COME ON! Well, maybe if you like being spun around while riding him, and he has the strength for that, sure. My boyfriend has never had trouble holding me up or moving me around.


And not ALL tall guys PREFER short girls. Thats a load of crap too. Maybe MOST guys prefer girls who are SHORTER, but there are tall girls out there, and there are guys who love us.


But then again, maybe if the guys you like (ie, the ones you tell your height and weight to) all are just looking for a lay, and you're into that, then all the power to you.

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Relax. I didn't say tall guys like short girls and they don't like tall ones. I said tall guys like small girls. In a way I am dating one so there is no need to think that your hight is going to determine wheter someone is going to date you or not. maybe it will in some cases but it's not a rule. Also it's not a rule that tall guys are dating only small girls. You misunderstood what I wrote and thought witouth a reason that I am trying to offend someone.


Where is the problem? I was writing this answer in a more not so formal way not to offend someone!


About the lay thing I will try not to be rude toward you as you were toward me. It was a joke - it's not something that people in a bar are telling me. It's something that I got told in a funny and joking kind a way from my close friends. I am not a prostitute and please try to choose your words more politely next time.


The whole point of my post was to say something not so serious.

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I'm 5'4 and my fiance is 6'2! He says my height is perfect...perv! But seriously, I can always tell him I can't reach things and make him get them for me. The shoulder rides are great...watch your head though! And when he picks you up it's nice to look all the way down to the ground...wow hope ya dont have a fear of heights! lol

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I wish all the tall guys would stick to the tall women!

I'm 5'6 and love 5'6 and under women... I WOULD date a very tall woman if only she would come to me...but of course most are concerned with how the world perceives them. I guess it's a fantasy...long legs...


Here's a great quote!


Ergo: "I am Ergo the Magnificent! Short in stature, tall in power, narrow of purpose, and wide of vision and I do not travel with peasants and beggars, good bye!"


-The movie Krull

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