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Hate Being So Short!!!!!!

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Ok I know this sounds shallow, but I WISH I was taller!!!!!!

I'm like 5'2 or 5'3 and though I'm proportionate I just feel like

a little dwarf!!!!! lol Wearing heels and platform shoes help

and elongate me...but I HATE being short!!!! Even being 5'5 or 5'6

would be nice. Then again I have curly hair and wish it was straight,

so I suppose we'll always have soemthing to complain about huh????


How tall are all of you guys???

Whats your preference to the opposite sex??

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I'm only 5'3" and love it! My guy is only 5'6" or so, not much taller than me. I dont' really have a preference with height, as long as the guy isn't shorter than me, which since I'm so short has never been a problem for me! If a guy is really into you, he won't care about your height (by the way, alot of guys like short girls

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It's funny because I was short in middle school and the first half of high school. Then I shot up 5 inches between my sophomore and senior year and grew two more inches in college. I had big feet when I was little, I was in a woman's shoe size by the time I was in the 5th grade so I eventually grew into my feet! LOL But height runs in my family. My mom is 5'8", my dad is just over 6 feet, my little brother is 6'3", my dad's brother is 6'3" and my great grandfather was over 6 feet tall too.

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I am 5'4" so I just squeeze under the "petite" radar.


Lots of things you can do while short...like not having to duck under tree limbs. I used to be bothered too, but honestly, I really like being kinda short & petite, as I can be taller when I really want to be with heels! The only downfalls for me are having to hem things and sometimes I wish my legs were a bit longer for my running, I think it would be a BIT easier without having to take so many darn steps!


So, in sum, don't hate it....learn about all the bonuses of it! Being tall has it's cons as well, and as long as you worry about what you aren't, instead of enjoy what you are, you'll always be unhappy. Feel blessed for your healthy and strong.


Anyway, my preferences for the opposite sex are none really. I have dated men shorter, and taller. For a long time I "preferred" men in the 5'6"-5'10" range as I thought it was nicer having someone more at my eye level, but then I met my boyfriend whom is 6'3" and I could not care less about height! Actually, he too before me preferred taller women (over 5'6") then met me and realized good things come in small packages too.

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Yeah I think being around taller people make me feel SO much shorter..lol. I have people come up and pat me on the head..lol. NOT very encouraging when you wanna feel "sexy".


Some of my friends have an annual "Short and Sexy" party for that VERY reason actually as yes, us smaller women often get called "cute" versus "sexy" and they got irritated enough to start having an annual bash where the point is to dress up sexy, and no one is allowed to say "cute"!

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I'm 5'8 1/2 about. Sometimes I like being tall, but other times I wish I could be a little shorter so that I didn't stand out so much when surrounded by friends. I'm basically taller than most of them, even the guys!


My boyfriend is like 2 inches taller than me. It hasn't been a problem though..


There are advantages and disadvantages to every height. Just be proud to have what you have!

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I'm 5'9 - and believe me, you may feel like a "dwarf", but I sometimes feel like a giant around shorter people. I used to hate hate hate being tall, but after coming to terms with it, I realize that I actually prefer it.


My boyfriend is 6'2, so we fit quite well. I know that I'll be labelled as "shallow", but I my preference is tall men. And no, not 6'2 and up, but any guy as tall as or taller than me. I've always been naturally attracted to taller men with broad shoulders.

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But height runs in my family. My mom is 5'8", my dad is just over 6 feet, my little brother is 6'3", my dad's brother is 6'3" and my great grandfather was over 6 feet tall too.


It runs in mine too...except for my sister and I! My mum is 5'10", my dad was about same (until he shrunk from an unhealthy lifestyle) my uncles are all pretty tall, my brother is a lanky 6'2"...my sister and I are at 5'4".....we missed out on the height genes!

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I'm 5'11". And a chick. I'm TALL


Some days I hate it. Because at first glance, I'm slim. But if I stand next to a girl of average height, I am noticably wider and that's not so great for my self esteem sometimes.


I do prefer taller guys. I just don't like feeling bigger than a guy I'm dating. My guy is 6'2" and it's just perfect for me.


All this being said, I don't notice just how tall I am day to day. I'm used to seeing over people's heads. I only notice when the old ladies in the stores ask me to grab them something from the high shelves. I am more than happy to oblige


ETA: In response to shorter people having to hem, all I have to say is you can't add fabric to clothing! I've given up wearing pants because I can't afford the designer pants that come in the longer lengths, I only wear skirts now. I generally can't wear long sleeves because they're too short. And I kiss the shoes of whatever designer decided it was fashionable to wear long tops! I've stocked up because they are just right for me!

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CuteBandRat, you have nothing to worry about in terms of height. You arent short. I am A LOT shorter than you and pretty much all the people on here. I am only 4'5" tall. My mom keeps on insisting that I wear heels or shoes that ARENT flat, because she thinks that makes me "look" taller. In my immediate family, I am the shortest. My parents hover around 5'4" or 5'5" but my brother is about 6' tall.


ALL the guys I have dated have been taller than me, although my most recent ex was only 5'5" (he was constantly lamenting how being a small guy was a bad thing). I dont mind dating tall or short guys. It is what's inside that counts.

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Short people get more oxygen too.


I'm 5ft8 and though I had a problem with it whilw growing up, I really don't now. Most of the women I have dated in the past 15 years were either my height or taller. The first girl I ever did anything sexually with was over 5ft11 and the girl I dated before my ex was 5ft10.


I met this very attractive woman at the dog park over the weekend. She asked me what my name was and we had a good talk. If she hadn't been nearly 6ft I would have asked her out.


I dont even notice I am short anymore. I think I am the same height as most of my friends and they are around 5ft10 and up. I guess its all about attitude and how you see yourself.




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