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New neighbor from Slovakia

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Hey all -


I have a new neighbor! Yeah!!


She seems like a nice enuff lady and her kids are adorable. Anyway I found out that she's originally from Slovakia.


Her kids have been playing with my kids. I went over to her place and introduced myself to her (a huge hurdle for me) but I've been thinking about a nice gesture of welcome.


Member back in the olden days when one would bring over a loaf of banana bread or whatever, to welcome a new neighbor?


Is that too creepy today?


I've been doing tons of searching for a cool like, Slovakian bread or something fun, but can't find anything on customs or traditions. And I can't help thinking maybe she'll think I'm a freak.


I was just hoping to do a nice, friendly little "welcome to the neighborhood" gesture but feel sort of stalkeri-sh for spending so much time thinking about it and what to do with it instead of just doing it or leaving it as it is.


Serioulsy, I'm a nutter.....


Am I weird?

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You're not a nutter HAHA...I'd like to be able to do those things for my neighbors as well - but so many these days are so stand offish that I don't think they'd take the gesture too well - they would think you're weird. BUT I do think since you've already met this lady - I assume right? I think next time you to pick your kids up one day or something bring over a bread - I say bake something American - I'm sure she knows Slovakian things - plus you might not make her style Make something American - she might know much about that I think. I think giving something like that while you're already over there to get your kids is good - don't just show up to give her bread - that's when it would be weird

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You're not a nutter ............. BUT I do think since you've already met this lady - I assume right? I think next time you to pick your kids up one day or something bring over a bread - I say bake something American - I'm sure she knows Slovakian things - plus you might not make her style Make something American - she might know much about that I think. I think giving something like that while you're already over there to get your kids is good - don't just show up to give her bread - that's when it would be weird


Sounds like *Jennster* has a good thought about that .

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YEH! I totally thought about making an American thing since we're actually in the US. Like a welcome to this country's traditions...good call.


I thought making something Slovakian might read like, "ahh she took the time to make a dish from home" but you're right, she may just think I AM a stalker if I do that.

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I heard a story once. A man had a neighbor who moved from Egypt. He was Muslim. The guy invited him over to a barbeque, and had pork. I guess this really offended him, from a religious standpoint! I don't think you could go wrong with an apple pie. Or tacos! I've never met anyone of any race who doesn't like tacos!

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I'd go for the good old apple pie or sweet bread. Apple is a good base since I've never heard about anyone being allergic or not liking apples. Apple pie, where's my Betty Crocker cook book....


PS: I think it's great you went to say hi, especially if your kids are playing together. Most parents don't seem to show that much interest in who their kids play with anymore.

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CB - you think?


I totally hear you all on the go with apple pie or sweet bread. Great idea. I will.


I'm gonna do like Jennster said. Next time I go to see after the kids, I'll bring a bread over.


Would it be weird to put a note with the word Vitajte! on it?? That's the Slovakian word for Welcome....Is that too freaky? I can get a bit carried away sometimes....

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Aww, I want to be your neighbor!


Another idea is to give her an idea of what to do around your town. Places to go with the kids, or for a drink. The nearest movie theaters, grocery stores, doctors' offices, etc. Go grab pamphlets about those places, or print something up off the Internet, and bring it all to her with whatever delicious, fattening treat you bring.

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