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Any one had any embarasing sexually related injuries?


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Hello, I was wondering if anyone had incurred any sexually related injuries in the past. Reason being I just got one and not planning on telling anyone.


Last night I was with my girlfriend, and she was pleasuring me with her hands. Thing was we were both pretty drunk, and she got some bedding caught up in her hand, and managed to give me a big friction burn on my member. Now I am missing skin on the head and shaft of my penis which is actually very very sore.


The worst thing was, I didn't want to embarrass my girlfriend so I did not tell her. So she carried on with me in agony. And She tried again this morning, but I could not cope so just rolled over on top of her.


Please tell me other people have suffered such traumatic experiences. And ohh what's the quickest coarse of action to recover. At the moment, I am applying antiseptic cream (Fucidin H) twice a day.





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I got rug burn on my knee once from my couch, I was on top and there was too much movement I guess lol. Just recently I had boxes fall off my headboard and hit me and my b/f in our heads, it was actually quite funny but it did hurt.


BTW my b/f gets friction burn sometimes, but it's from too much sex in too little time like someone else said. Best thing to do that I know of is no sex for a couple days.

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BTW my b/f gets friction burn sometimes, but it's from too much sex in too little time like someone else said. Best thing to do that I know of is no sex for a couple days.
That was me.


And atleast im not the only person. But I mean this is bad, to the extent blood has been drawn slightly, and I am missing alot of skin.

Tip? Lube and good communication with your partner. Sounds like you need to work on the communication part.
Hmm yes communication would have saved me alot of pain, I just would prefer to feel alot of pain than run the risk of embarasing her. As for the lube, to tell the truth, we were in my car, so we kind of don't or wouldn't have any handy.


I got rug burn on my knee once from my couch
Actually, I had that on my knees and toes, and even elbows before. Carpet is really not a nice surface to copulate on.
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i really think that you should talk to your partner. i know it is embarrassing but if she love you then she would not mine. if you don't tell her then that injury might get worse if you continue to have sex. continueing would lead to infection and pain and that might cause something really bad.

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Like the posters, I strongly agree that you should share this with your g/f, communication afterall is the key to succeed in any type of relation. As embarrassing as it may sound, if you don't say anything about it then your partner's gonna think you're alright and comfortable. Then after telling her what is making you uncomfortable, you would need to get a check-up.

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The first time I had sex was against a brick wall. Afterwards I had deep cuts all over my back and butt and severe grazes on my knees and elbows. I still have the scars to remind me of such a horrible experience today.


I've also had times where my ex-boyfriend would come in on the wrong angle and hurt my insides.


Then there was the time we tried anal sex...disaster.


I really do have a normal sex life other than that.

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As for having sex with my girlfriend as she lives fairly far away I can put off seeing her for a week, so hopefully it would have healed by then (it seems to be healing very quick like your mouth does). As for infection, well it is fine, the antiseptic healing cream stuff is working well. And I am nota person to get infected, my cuts rarely go septic even if I don't bother washing them.


And oh dear a lot of you people seem to have experienced pain, broken bones in foreplay I wont even asked what caused them, all I can guess is falling out of a window or doing it while driving. And deep cuts on your back when you lost your virginity that's really unlucky.


But I do agree maybe a bit of communication would not go a miss. If anything happens again then I will tell her if not, I will spare her the embarrassment.

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I've gotten friction burns from too much sex in a small amount of time as well.. So much that it hurt to wear anything but gym shorts.



I've also gotten rubbed raw once. We were on the couch, and I pulled her skirt up in the midst of the rumble, and she had "mesh" type thongs on, I pulled them to the side, and went to town. Needless to say, when we finished, I felt a stinging pain, I looked down, and I was bleeding so much I thought it was her starting her period. Nope, it was me.. I couldn't have sex for like a week it was so sore and raw.


I've also gotten burns on my knees, from a truck bed liner. Don't ask.


Oh, and I got severe burns on my nipples and chest from hot wax. Tip: Don't ever tell your girlfriend who's been drinking to pour wax on you. She tipped the burning candle on me.

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Your telling me. I almost ruined my bosses couch. (Yes, you caught that right, I was sex'n the bosses daughter, ON his couch.)


It's a bad day when you get blood from sex. It's a worse day when it's your own.

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Indeed that is true. For some odd reason my ex decided to have sex with me not telling me she was on her period, and failing to remove her tampon. So really I just ended shoving that inside her.


Anouther time she had sex with me, and I looked at my penis, and I was like OMG and it was covered in blood. She again did not let me know she was "on".


And now I experienced the bleeding myself.


And as for the bosses daughter, thats a dangerous game

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Not circumcised - Breaking a small ligament on the underside while wanking age 13. It work's better since as the foreskin goes down all the way.


Minor sores from her teeth while receiving head.


Friction burns on knees and feet.


Having a small chopper topple on me causing abrasions and bruises. This was my only motorcycle "accident".


A broken toe while freeing a car stuck near a beach.


Pains from unfair use:


Not much for 22 years of fun I know, guess safe sex is it.


As to VD, nothing but a few scares and one preventative course of antibiotics against VRDL.

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Lesbian sex can be tricky. My girlfriend was well...manually penetrating my vagina and thrusting pretty vigorously and her fingers slipped out - it took her body a second to catch up to her brain, so there was one last thrust and I ended up with a long and bloody fingernail scrape on my inner labia.


Less brutal injuries - she reached for lube as I reached for a towel, and her elbow collided with my face. Once when changing positions, she lifted her leg to move it to the other side of me as I was also shifting, and her toes actually ended up IN my mouth - one toenail cut my gums.

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