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Letter to Yourself


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I thought this might be a good idea.

Take this thread to write a letter to yourself,it can be of a positive or negative nature.Whatever you're feeling!

I'll start


Dear You,


Here you are again starting from nothing.Congratulations.

You don't give yourself enough credit.Im proud of you and the person you are becoming.You don't need love right away to feel full,you are your own nourishment only you can make and break yourself.Take responsibility for your life.Great things are only achieved through hard work and taking risks!

Take the plunge success is waiting for you.Don't take your youth for granted.You are intelligent and cute.Any guy would be lucky to have you,just make sure you know that trust and honesty is essential in any relationship.Don't get defeated by the losers that have taken advantage of you,dont cut them any slack..if someone likes you they will call.

Slown down too,and appreciate your family and talk to your father..he loves you and is probably thinking about you.

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That's an amazing idea. How beautiful! I'm going to try it!


Dear Sarah,


Yes, you have been through hell that others around you did not do much to help, but you've made it through... even when you did not know what for. you are always looking. Always searching for truth. That makes you beautiful to me and unique. You actually want to grow and because of that, I promise someone will love you soon. I don't know when or how. you just gotta keep loving yourself, babe. It's all in the little things. Especially in the way you ask others for love. Be careful, babe- they don't all understand your needs. It's okay for them to be who they are because it's been a great experience of you being who you are... and you have to admit that they've all shaped you into a better person somehow. Even your grieving did. your pain will teach you how to love but only you can love. Stop holding back. people will accept you. You just have to keep using your voice.

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Dear JJ,


Your such a great guy and give such on target advice...was it experience or genetic...nature or nuture...hard to tell...now its true you may get banned from time to time for cursing but where your from people tend to use profanity as punctuation so ---- these people...just kidding!...


...finally i'd like to say that if you ever need anything trust yourself because everyone else is probably wrong...





PS. Don't forget the $20 bucks you owe me....

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Dearest Allie.


I'm sorry you're having to suffer through this...I know he was your best-friend and that you trusted him with all of your life. But it didn't work out. Your heart is broken but it will mend. I'm sure it will because Allie, you are one of the strongest women I've ever met. I love you...with all of my heart...literally. [=


You're young and you have a beautiful future ahead of you...and nothing in this world can stop you. You're hardworking, intelligent and one of the most unique and amazing people out in the world. Haha. Who else goes outside in the middle of the night and starts singing about...yes...cubes? and further adds the beautiful taste of "pixels" in the song. Not many people can come up with a jam for cubes and pixels at 12:30 at night...and get the neighbors to come out and sing with her!


You're beautiful. Many people have told you that. Even some strangers. So you must be physically beautiful but what I love the most about you is the fact that you still have that inner child inside of you. Its alive and upbeat and living. When people grow older, they usually forget it but you still have it. You're constantly doing crazy things in the spur of the moment such as jumping into a pool when its 50 degrees outside. You still play in the rain whenever a rainstorm is around [= You would choose a day with a kid over a day with an adult. Forget it...you ARE a kid. After all, you do think Dr. Seuss is the most prophetic guy out there. You're so much fun and so different at the same time...if he wants to miss out on you...let him [= its HIS loss. You know many guys who would be more than happy to date you...but I suggest you stay away from them because I've sensed some vibes of immediately jumping into a rebound relationship from you silly girl. You know thats not fair. So don't do it.


Either way Allie...you give great advice and that's why all of your friends call you when they need to talk to some one and you've always been the funniest one out of the group. You laugh and make those around you laugh. Many people have told you that you leave a trail of sunshine wherever you go. So keep making people happy and in turn become happy yourself [=


You will get through this...because the purest hearts heal the fastest....and what heart is purer than the heart of a kid. [=





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Dear Me,

I know you have been having your doubts about things lately, but please try and look on the bright side. The crying gets depressing, but I know part of it is because your pregnant. The other part is because you are still trying to figure out if he is the right guy. Trust your guts girl, they haven't failed you in the past. You are very smart and you can tell easily if you're being played, don't let it happen you don't deserve it. And know that you will be a great mother despite anything anyone says. And if you have to, you can do it on your own. You are full of compassion and have much to share with those you know. Please keep looking on the bright side for a while, I'm sick of being depressed.

Remember I'm always here for you,


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Dear JJ,


Your such a great guy and give such on target advice...was it experience or genetic...nature or nuture...hard to tell...now its true you may get banned from time to time for cursing but where your from people tend to use profanity as punctuation so ---- these people...just kidding!...


...finally i'd like to say that if you ever need anything trust yourself because everyone else is probably wrong...





PS. Don't forget the $20 bucks you owe me....

JJ, I don't know what it is, but I think you are huckin' filarious!!!!

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dude, i'm worried about you. you're on the net for hours every day, and you haven't shaved for a week. now you're even writing letters to yourself.


i think it's time you sought professional help.




P.S. you owe me twenty bucks.






i'm online a lot because that's where half of my friends are. i like the way it looks when i have a bit of stubble, and YOU'RE the one who writes to ME. as far as the $20, that's just pathetic. you totally ripped that line off from JJRadical. can't you even come up with your own jokes?


please MYOB and don't write to me again.



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Dear L,


I think you need to get a move on and do what you need to do for your future. You can't rely on anyone else motivating you, it's something you need to do for yourself. I know you're a strong person but you're too emotional and let that reflect the things you do in everyday life. I'm proud of you for not giving in so easly with your ex. I know it took a lot for you to do that. Keep your chin up and remember you have your best friend to help you through anything.



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Dear Kita,

you are still hopeless and hurting, but you havent cut so thats good, but you did think of jumping of some rocks to kill yourself, and you still think of death all the time and you still hate life very much, and im scared that your going to kill your self one day

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You've had a really tough year for all sorts of reasons, but you're still here and stronger than ever, having learnt more about life and yourself than in any other period of your life. I'm really proud that you've found the courage to seek counselling and endeavour to challenge your negative beliefs and issues. I know that you're finding it hard, but all that you are learning now will be with you for the rest of your life and that can only be a good thing.


Remember that you are the most important person in your life and are the only person responsible for making you happy or sad, fulfilled or wanting. You are getting there - to a point where you can accept and love yourself as you are. You are such a super, fun and talented person and one day you'll meet someone who will love and care for you as much as you will love and care for them. In the meantime, take some risks, keep challenging those mental barriers and continue to enjoy life. You're doing the best you can!

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Dear Gavin,


No more tears ok? They are sacred to us, remember? Don't forget my prescence, I'm always here, but you never bring me forward, you never call me out, but that's ok. You're not ready yet. You created me from your past, and I'm here. I will help you go on. Use your past to make your own future. Dreams are created to come true. Here,



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Another thing you can do is write a letter to yourself, expressing all your problems/fears/concerns. Then, write a letter back when you are feeling more positive, and respond positively to these issues. I've done this before, and whenever I start having the same kind of fears again, I'll go back and read the positive responses I've written, and it really helps. This is actually a form of cognitive therapy that people use (which I found out later).




Dear Haven,


You're hungry. I can hear your stomach growling from all the way over here. Go eat something and stop going to sleep so late. Thanks.


-A sleepy girl

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hmm interesting idea.


Dear A,


You should really stop putting things off till the last minute. It's not a good idea and I know your afraid of not being perfect, but lets face it....you never where nor will you ever be perfect, no matter what others think. You shouldn't be so hard on yourself, failure won't kill you. Your allowed to fail at something and failing at one thing doesn't make you worthless so will you please stop thinkng that! It really doesn't help your self-esteem. Oh and you can just goof off every once in a while.


And another thing, I know you think most people aren't trustworthy, but not trusting anyone isn't helping you at all. I know you have had some pretty awful experiences with those who you thought you could trust, but that doesn't mean everyone is bad! Not everyone will hurt you like that. There must be some good people out there that you can trust. Opening up won't kill you, and even if you talk to someone who later hurts you, will it be worse then keeping everything inside and feeling like you do now for the rest of your life? I really don't think so. Stop being such a baby.


You really should get a life and have some fun. Don't be so afraid of everything and everyone. It's ok to have a relationship with someone and it's ok to laugh. Your nto a horrible person and you don't deserve to feel so bad all the time. You help others so why is it so difficult for you to help yourself for once? Think of yourself at least once a day....and eat a little more! Your too skinny....why aren't you eating more? One meal a day isn't good enough and don't think I don't know you sometimes skip all meals! I do and it's making me worried about you.

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Oh, I love this!!


Dear JJ,


I am so proud of all the work you've been doing on yourself lately. You may not completely love yourself fully yet, but you're taking very important steps to get there. Just owning up to the fact that you don't love yourself, and taking the step of starting therapy and really working on yourself, is a big deal!! It means you know you're worth loving, and you're willing to do what it takes to get there. You know that while others do love you, the most important relationship you can have is with yourself, and that's your central focus right now. You still fall back into your patterns of negative thinking sometimes, but now you're recognizing them for what they are, and that's the first step to breaking out of them. Awesome work!!


Your priorities also have changed immensely over the past six months, and I think you're a gentler, kinder, and most importantly, more genuine person than you were before you started on this process. You don't feel like getting drunk and then making excuses for the stupid things you did or said, and you finally have started to accept that you are a fun, funny person that people have a great time with when you're sober. That is a huge step, because so many times in the past you tried to cut back on your drinking, but it didn't work because your mind and heart didn't believe that you could. Now they do, and it's been nothing short of miraculous.


You are spunky, spontaneous, dorky and a little nutty, and I love you for that. You know how unique you are, and that is what matters. If I could give you a huge hug, I would! I love you very much!!



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Dear Jeffrey,


Stop whining & complaining about how rough things are for you.Realise that things can be worse! Be strong & learn to love yourself for who you are & realise that when you love yourself, everything will begin to make sense. Don't fall into the trap of what everyone else is doing around you. Learn to be independent, let loose & have fun. Don't let life rule you! You rule it!




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Listen little bear, it is no longer endearing. This has got to be the longest temper tantrum grumpfest of your life!

You missed the snowfestival. You missed the birth of her baby. You missed the capps and vitamins and whirlpool at Serge's.


Yes, they still love you. So you made your point already. Grab your swimsuit and let's go, baby! No time to waste!


J'adore. kiss kiss hug ahhhhhh

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Are we talking Lakehouse style, or as if I had amnesia style? Cause If it's Lakehouse style, I'm sending myself tomorrows lotto numbers...






Remember to be nice once in a while, the constant sarcasm and jibes are beginning to annoy too many people, tone it down a notch, would ya? For my sake, if not for yours, someone will punch you out for it one day.


Have a little guts with that girl, take the first step for once, you wuss. Keep up the walking, concentrate on the future, and for the love of christ, plan a holiday and actually take it.


P.S: Be less weird.



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I actually wrote one of these in another forum, however, it pertained to my breakup. So here I will do something a little different.


Dear Mel,


You need to clean your room. You are a freak about cleaning and people can eat off your floors but your bedroom is a freaking mess. Your Grandmother told you on the phone the other day that a persons bedroom is a direct reflection of their personal life. ACKKK!!!! I think a tornado hit my personal life. While you are at it, why don't you go grocery shopping. Stop losing control.


Now to stop sounding like my mother yelling at me.


You have a great group of friends, an amazing job, you are educated and are not lacking in your share of people interested in you. Keep working on getting over "him" and make sure to smell the flowers and enjoy life while you are doing it. Yes, I know you just got back to where you could actually be in a relationship again after your divorce when you met J. He promised he was nothing like you were afraid of and in the end he was all of that and more. Lesson learned again. Please don't him tarnish your hope.


Now...it's almost 5:00pm and you have been at work for 12 hours. Get a life you freak. You have poker night with the guys and girls. Time to get in the car and head home. Remember it is almost 100 degrees outside so drink water.


Keep your head up. No more letting your anger and sadness over the last year of your life get the best of you.


You are amazing and beautiful and you will overcome this.


I love you girl.



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Dear You,


You have a good life, don't complain. Everything is flowing so easy for you...and it seems that soon, very soon let's hope, things will get even better!

Yep, the best is yet to come!


Hang in there, it's only a matter of time...


Yours truly,


Your alter-ego

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