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Letters to ourselves

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Dear glorious me ,

Its true , i liked this one , but its also true the men keep getting better and better in your life.

Stand up to your bullies , stand up to them!

also its okay to be sad right now.

Just dont let it ruin your good looks!

i love you,


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Dear Blemished,


One day your blemish will turn into an asset by which to judge your best future choices. You are making the right decision to let go of a failure and not look back. One day, this will all be a distant memory. Until then, read/watch whatever makes you laugh, and make new friends. As hard as it is to believe, you will be loved again. Life is full of exciting possibilities; don't limit your imagination or ability to find them.




-That Person You Should Listen To

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Remember, you no longer need to believe those things about yourself. They aren't true. Trust me when I tell you this, everything works out for the best. Keep punching.


be well,



P.S. Your name isn't Brando.

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You need to get moving again and get a life before you fossilize.

Things to see and do, and you aren't tied down. Nobody cares what you do anymore. Bruce is right again.


It's a doddle.


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Dear Redmage22,


Never give yourself false hopes by doing things that will get you what you want. I know it feels like she has won, finding a new guy and all, but move on. There is nothing she could give you that you couldn't get from any other girl. She was special at one point, but don't let you loneliness defeat you resolve. Try to stay strong and realize that you are gone from that life, friendship and otherwise.

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exactly redmage [=


you're gonna be just fine. and I can tell miss chloe here is missing out because you're such a nice, caring, sweet guy. you wouldn't be posting here if you weren't and from getting to know you thru your posts...you've got a heart of gold. I don't even know why chloe broke it off w/ you. I mean...i've never been in a relationship with you so i wouldn't know...maybe you're a complete different person in a relationship...BUT I DOUBT IT WITH ALL OF MY HEART. hahaha. You don't seem bipolar or suffering from mulitple personality disorder [= So ITS HER loss cuz YOU, mister, are a great, loving, friendly guy [=




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Dear Amazing_weirdo,


I know stuff sucks right now. Keep working towards your goals and correct the mistakes you have with yourself. Look at it this way; you gave everything you could to keeping the relationship alive, even letting yourself be put through what seemed like your personal hell. How many nights did you have trouble sleeping, hoping and even wishing for a resolution? How many nights did you bitterly think that this situation would go on forever? How many nights did you stay up thinking you were a failure yet realizing that you could never be anything more with this ugly woman? (I know she is actually pretty on the outside, but deep down you know how she really is). A few months ago you remember watching that Christian guy on TV? He was commenting about the Israelites wandering around the wilderness for 40 years because that is how long it took them to learn what they needed to learn, in order to reach the promised land. That is pretty much your situation and that is how you need to look at it. YOUR DONE WANDERING!



You did everything you could! You always wondered about a way to a better life. You knew she was untrustworthy and could be wicked. You knew a long time ago she always took the easiest possible path. You knew she used people and threw them away. You watched (and appealed to her) as she did it several times! It is not your personal responsibility to change her. She was not the right person for you and never was! You had to sacrifice a lot of things that were important to you. In the end, you sacrificed so much you lost yourself. You prayed for a resolution and for you to be propelled towards your destiny.


Deep down you know the strength and dedication you really have. You have principles she would never tolerate, and you had goals she NEVER would support you with. You only need a simple "Ok Amazing_weirdo, face the challenge with my blessing, and good luck!" Quite the opposite; she stabbed you in the back everytime you faced something difficult! Now go climb those mountains without worrying about being stabbed in the back. She can no longer claim your victories as her own. Now you are FREE! You can be who you know you are, while at the same time living the life you always wanted AND have another shot at finding someone you are actually happy with!


Look at it this way: some people think the grass is greener and go for it, and everyone else be damned. Others don't go for it (regardless of their opinion on the greeness of the grass) and do the right thing. You did the right thing and now you get to go where the grass is greener! Don't worry about your son. Be who you know you are deep down and show him how great his father really is. Show him something better than her selfish and wicked ways. He deserves the best. He will learn and follow. You are NOT abandoning him by letting her go. Stop feeling guilty about his mother putting other priorities before him!


P.S. Stop this crap with worrying about dying alone, never meeting anyone, etc. You need to do those things you know you need to do (you know what I'm talking about!). If you stay true to yourself, learn from the mountain of mistakes with your ex, and follow your path. You may be surprised about who you meet along the way.


"Let the man on the outside match the man on the inside."

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Long time, no speak, greengirl,


Well, you knew he had the attention span of a gnat the moment you saw him. Yet you fell in love with him, and all his flaws, anyway. And this wasn't really that foolish a decision, as he loved you back. Fiercely. You should not regret feeling and receiving such strong love, eventhough it is now ending. He did not betray you. He has betrayed himself by not seeking help for his problems. And he knows this, which makes you sad. But sadness and compassion will not make a relationship work.


You must stop feeling for him, and stop berating yourself for bad choices, and move on with your own life. You will get back soon to the things you loved, the things you had to neglect in order to survive life with him. You will go sailing and play music in little clubs once again. You're not stupid, you're not any of the things he said you were when in a manic state, and you're quite worthy of love, the royal we knows this, anyway.


The people here know what you're going through. And it looks like some of them have made it over the other side.


Here's to life on the other side!!!!


Lots of love, greengirl.... you may not have anyone to stroke your hair softly while you sleep, but you have a fabulous rainbow on your head now....

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This is so funny. I was thinking about a thread of this sort yesterday and lo and behold I log on today and find it has been here. So here it goes.


Dear Self,


You are hurt. Remember that hurt people, usually hurt other people. Take this time to heal.


Do not be scared to be alone.

Do not hold those in your future accountable for the mistakes others have made with your feelings.

There is such a thing as a man that will not lie to you, that will not cheat on you and will be worthy of your love and time.


Stop giving so much and being so understanding.

When your gut tells you that this is wrong. Grab your things and walk away.

Don't make excuses for someone's behavior because you want them to be something.

People are who they are, not who you want them to be.


Your ex does not care about your feelings.

He does not care that he hurt you and any type of friendship with him will only allow him to believe his actions are forgiven.

He is selfish, egotistical and only cares about himself.


You have a great group of friends that support you regardless of your decisions.


You are college educated, you have a great career and 32 is not old. You still have a great life to live. Get out there and start living it.



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Dear redmage22,


Just because your ex has somebody else so soon does not make her life better than yours. You have experiences to live. You have the company of others to enjoy. You have a faith to become fully involved in. In fact... the fact that you are independent, strong, but a little miserable right now makes you human and leaves room for you to eternally grow. Don't forget the good lesson in life that you were taught.


Forget about her man. You leaving her did you a favor.

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Do not be scared to be alone.


There is such a thing as a man that will not lie to you, that will not cheat on you and will be worthy of your love and time.


Stop giving so much and being so understanding.

When your gut tells you that this is wrong. Grab your things and walk away.

Don't make excuses for someone's behavior because you want them to be something.

People are who they are, not who you want them to be.






Oh, man. These parts I related to soo much!




I know you miss being called that. I know you miss soo much the things that weren't tainted with that relationship. You're soo used to being with someone. I know it's hard. I know you're hurting underneath it all. I know you wish things could be "normal" again.


But, Baby. Yes, you can still be called that. By ME.

Honey, you are doing soo well. You knew this time would come eventually. You knew how it would end. From DAY 1! YOU KNEW. This really isn't a surprise. Nor was his behavior. Three years later you are finally growing up. You're moving on.

You know you never saw yourself actually going anywhere with that guy. You soo badly WANTED it. But you KNEW. And you know what?

I'm proud of you. You're doing soo well. You're keeping strong. You're not a downer to be around. You may talk about him occasionally but change the subject and don't beat yourself up about talking about him soo much. Just MOVE ON. That's all there is to it.


I love you and he doesn't matter anymore. YOU were the one that blessed him. Not the other way around. You showed him soo much love. You showed him soo much greatness. He will forever remember that. He will forever remember how much you gave, how much you put up with, and how much you told him you loved him. And HE will be haunted by that. He is incapable of giving what you gave him. He did love you, babe. He probably still does. He probably always will. But the thing that is important now is YOU.


I love you! And there are soo many others that love you soo much as well. Be that wonderful, uplifting, happy, creative, fun-loving, beautiful girl that you are. Soo many people have fallen in love with that over the years. And you know what? You still have it! Remember that I love you and that I will always be there for you. You are my one and only true love.


Don't be afraid. Don't be scared to be alone. You really were always a loner in some ways. You are a leader, babe. And leaders are STRONG!. That's what your name means, Strength! HA! Remember when you used to laugh at that when you were younger and you would look up the meaning of your name?

Now you know. You are strong. And your man, the one who is the opposite of your ex, will be waiting for you when you are ready. In the meantime, explore all that you want to. Do whatever you want! LIVE! Love those you deserve and need your love! You have two beautiful nieces that drive you crazy but love you soo much! Love them. Love your family.


The love that you give people will never be wasted or forgotten.



That beautiful woman from within


ps. All those gut feelings were me. See? I really was always trying to protect you.

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hey me..


yesterday you had a breakthrough...you got over your ex...or so you thought dont worry...although yesterday's feeling was temporary, it was still a breakthrough..this feeling will become permanent. dont let him win honey you are better than he is. the grass always looks greener on the other side and that is what you are feeling about your ex because he has a new girlfriend but he will learn that he has lost a wonderful person - come on he has contacted you eight times!! karma has a strange way of coming back to people and your ex is no different. karma will pay him a visit too i am sure of it - just hang in there.

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Hey ice,


Your doing great, what an emotional day wednesday was seeing the ex, then seeing your new girl right after. We dont know how things will turn out with the new girl but we are so lucky that we found someone wonderful after what happened with the ex.


Your growing up and figuring out that your path to success isnt shared by most, you've seen so many around you start where you started and head backwards, sideways or whatever way. Your ex loved you, just like other women will. You can see now that there are others out there who are intrested in you. Know this is the case and will continue to be so. You are a strong, intelligent, caring, funny, loving person, and thats only a few of your great qualities. Dont let anyone take you away from what you are and where your going.


I know your ex still means alot to you. Let her go, she is on her own road now, a road she knew she couldnt share with you. Let her be, you can still care for her but move on, if its meant to be it is, but right now it wont happen. Plus this new girl your seeing is wonderful and I hope things keep going well and you can be happy.


Take Care,

Your insides

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Dear sweet, pretty, smart and kind girl,

You allowed this man to step all over you.

You allowed his lies and his cheating to cause you so much pain.

Please look around- life is so much better without him

He locked you in a world of lies and insecurities. He disrespected you and made you cry. All his insults are not worth even one tear from your pretty face.

You need to get back on your feet and show him how much you are worth.

You should never ever allow this man close to you again. All he can do is drag you down.You deserve a good life, a happy, healthy beautiful life.

You should keep trusting and loving. He is never ever going to be loved the way you loved him.

Just smile at your blessings and be very very grateful that he is no longer in your life. God is great - you are no longer bound to this person.

You are free to love and be loved. Every time that you feel like you miss him just say Thank you Lord for allowing me to see who he really is. Thank you for releasing me from the pain and the lies.

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Dear Redmage22,


I know your sick and depressed today, dude, but things do get better. You don't miss her. You miss what she did for you. How she said "she loved you everday" and how she supported you. But man... let her go. You were not right for each other and you're better off. Let the pain come and deal with it.

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