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WOW!!! i did it!!!!!

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today i wanted to go to the movies with my friends, but they were all busy. so i called my best friend and she was free so i went to her house to visit her. we were talkin and suddenly i said "u know somethin, i feel very happy right now, but i guess i'm not showing it because no one has said anything about it". so she started askin why i was happy and i gave her some clues that i was inlove. so she started askin who was that girl, but i kept speakin about the person that i like. so she kept askin and i said "u dont know him" she was ecstatic. she hugged me and said "im so happy u said that. thanks for sharing such an intimate thing with me". of course, i couldnt believe i had just told her i was gay in the most innocent manner!!!!! omg i feel so relieved right now . the other thing that makes me happy is that, when we were sayin our goodbyes, she came to me and said "u should tell alex, he will understand" (for those who dont remember my story, alex is my best friend, etc)

so now i think i have the courage to tell him and find out what happens!!!!

this feels good!!!!

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I'm so happy for you. I'm so glad it went so well. Although now. Even if it feels good you shouldn't rush things. that her reaction was so great doesn't mean others reactions will be the same.Tell alex when you feel ready (weather that's today or in a month or even a year. it's important that you feel ready) and see if you can have her with you.

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That is wonderful news! you are lucky to have such a supportive friend.


Take your time with this, make sure you are 100% ready before you go divuldging this to anyone else. Also be prepared for some negative reactions from some individuals.



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but (this is depending on where you live) peoples reactions are generally good. the worst I think I've had so far has been a religious guy trying to talk me into being straight... that was funny...

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Tell alex when you feel ready (weather that's today or in a month or even a year. it's important that you feel ready) and see if you can have her with you.

thanks UT... i think i was ready to tell alex even before i was ready to tell this other friend who now knows.... and alex is a guy, here that name is used for guys lol


i called him today and said i had to talk to him about something very important. he said he wanted to have that conversation as soon as possible. he also told me that he had spoken with my friend and she said that i needed to talk to him. this conversation will happen very soon.


thanks everyone for ur good advice and posts. i just felt i needed to share my happiness with people who can understand how this feels

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Around here Alex is either short for Alexander or alexandra.. so..I don't know why but I assumed it was a guy... Don't hear about a lot of alexandras hehe.. however. I'm happy for you. And please tell us how it goes?


good luck, take care

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Well, yesterday i woke up with a need to go shopping, so i called Alex to see if he wanted to go with me and he said yes.

I picked him up at his house and we went to a shopping center that is about half an hour away from his house, so we had a lot of time for a one-on-one conversation. We hadn't seen each other in about a week, and even though we speak on the phone daily we prefer to have long conversations in person. So on our way to the mall we kept the conversation around his topics and what he had to tell me after a week he hadnt seen me. I felt a great vibe from him, like he was trying to set an atmosphere for me to tell him anything. As always, he kept smiling and joking. We spent about two hours walking and going through stores and then we went back to the car and started towards his house.

When we reached the exit of the parking i said "I think is time for me to start telling you about me". He laughed and said "Go on, tell me. You've had me on pins and needles all month long. what is it u have to say?" At that moment I felt as if i was going to pass out. I was totally afraid of what i was going to say. I even forgot everything I had planned to tell him. So I started with "tell me what u know about it". He said "I know u met someone, I know u met in that club u belong to. I know u told our friend she didn't know him", then he glanced at me and quickly corrected "I meant her", but he kept his smile on his face that meant he said it on purpose.

So I started saying almost everything, how we met, how we had seen each other in the past few weeks, how we had a great chemistry, how i had been trying to tell him since May. He was very glad about me finding someone who loved me and cared about me. He kept on reassuring I would always have him there for me. When we arrived at his house I said "thanks for being such a good friend, I appreciate eveything" and he gave me a hug. Then I said "u know I didn't told u everything, we need to have another conversation soon", and he said "don't u worry, I understood everyting u meant to say".


now i'm totally happy. I feel so relieved!!!!!! this morning we talked on the phone and he said he had to spend a night at my house next week because of a party we r having. i think that is a great sign that he is not homophobic, since we will be alone at my house. It is also a great step.


thatnks for ur time reading this. I felt I had to share my happiness with u

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I'm so happy for you. I'm so glad everything went so well. more and more are getting ok with it and sonetime, hopefully, probbly not in our lifetime, but sometime homosexuality will be "out of fashion" and people won't make such a fuzz about it.


One reaction one of my teachers had though, that I hope more will is.. something like Gaydude: "I'm homosexual" Straightdude: "I've got a blue boat" I hope that one day more people will really see it for what it is, a sexuality (just like being straight) no more, no less. one thing though. Homosexuality MUST remain a minority, unless we can get an optional way of re-producing ourselves.


However, I'm so happy for you and that you got two wonderful friends who will support you. Good luck in the future and feel free to stop by here every now and then and say hi. Take care.

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Aw, that's wonderful.


I have a gay friend who told his science partner who he'd had a thing for forevvver that he liked him.... and got ripped to shreds for because of it (not only by him but by a lot of our high school). I really lost a lot of faith in people having acceptance, it really hurt me to see it... of course, I live in Hicktown, Montana, but it's still good to hear your story. Good luck.

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i thought it would be very difficult. even though i did it in an indirect way, i still have to tell them because i'm convinced it is a step i have to take. with both of them i have a great bond and thats why they understood it in the way that i said it, but i know not eeryone will understand it if i say it in that way.


thanks for ur support, u r awesome

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well... i spent Monday and Tuesday with my friends at the beach and they kept saying i still had to tell them something about me. they kept asking me to tell them a name (of who i love). on monday night i had to share my bed with alex because we were sleeping at the beach. we were alone because we were the only 2 guys there and girls didnt want us to be in their same bedroom. we kept a conversation while we were in bed and he asked me for the name again. all i could say was "it is the most difficult thing for me to say, i just need u to understand me and give me ur support" and the conversation ended there. on tuesday we all went to eat in a restaurant and when we were at the table my cell phone rang and it was the guy im dating (andy). they heard our conversation and told me i sounded "soo inlove" lol.


well, today i was talkin to alex on messenger and he asked for the name (for the 50th time) and i said "i have to do this, please understand... im gay.... u r the first one to know" i pressed the enter key and turned off my monitor for more than 10 minutes. when i turned it on i saw all the messages he had sent giving me support omg it felt so good!!!!! then i called him on the phone and he acted like nothing had happened and he asked me for the name and i told him and he was very happy for me.


so, after getting such a great response from alex, i called my other friend and asked her to go to andy's MySpace page. she went there and then i told her "u r seeing my boyfriend" and she was ok and very supportive!!!!! we talked for a while after that and when we finished i told her to call alex so they could share their feelings. they talked and then i talked to them and they r great. omg i love them for being my best friends!!!!! lol now i feel like im walking on a cloud lol

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