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to much for mee?

a bit clueless

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ya so im 14...and i have this job for the summer...wat do u think about it..i say its a bit rough but the pay is good i guess...5 an hour..but no taxes taken out and i get lunch and drinks free...i get a ride to and from work...but i work mad hours..today i did 8 in the morning to 8 at night..and i usually work from 9 to 5...and at the end of the week i usually end up with 220...is that good?..oh and its rough work..i do deliveries with berages and all that

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In the US, most states are $5.15 an hour for minimum wage, you should check your state link removed.

And here are work hours that would apply to you as well.

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If your boss isn't meeting these standards they could get in some serious trouble, not to mention later on in life you may have income tax problems because you're not paying them now.

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i think its ok its a summer job and all that is fine as long as you mean at the end of the week you have 220 dollars not 220 hours, i know that illegal but i did the same thing when i was that age, until then with free lunch and drinks and rides to and from work i think your in no real danger, dont work too hard though if you feel its too much tell your boss


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That sounds like murky water. An 'under the table' job can be good for someone your age just working for the summer, like on a farm or for a relative. However, with those types of hours, and it sounds like you are working for a business.... there could be some child labor laws that are being violated. I would consider finding another job, or ask your boss about it.

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