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Ruid lost his freedom:(

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All those that once communicated with Ruid.......this is his sister. I want to thank you for being here for him. He needs as much support possible. You haven't heard from him and I'm sure you are wondering why. Well.......he didn't make it out east as he planned to. He was determined to do that and start a new life, but police came into his place, and took him to jail for "criminal threat" This friend who he loves so much, put him there. All that anger my brother had inside, only made him get into more trouble. They each have their reasons for why this relationship did not work, and those of us that know this story, know that drugs has a lot to do with this. I am no one to judge, but now, my brother has lost his freedom and for the first time in my life, I could say I feel useless. My brother is in jail and there is nothing I could do to get him out of this hell hole. All he wants is out.

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Hi Ruidsis, thanks for the update.


I just read the whole story, and my heart goes out to him and you, both. He sounds like a sweet, intelligent, bighearted guy who just got into a terrible situation -- then was left there to sink or swim on his own.


I'm Canadian, so I don't know, but I hope "criminal threat" is only a midemeanor and not a felony, and that he will be out soon. When he does get out, I believe that his idea of a change of environment is a good one. He needs to remove himself from where this pattern of behaviour began, and start fresh where he can begin new, pro-active patterns.


He's lucky to have a sister like you to stand at his side. Tell him to stay strong, and that someone is pulling for him and believes he can do this.

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My brother is still waiting in that hell hole. No legal action has taken place no DA, no court, no word, nothing. It has already been 11 days. He is just wondering what will happen next. All he thinks about is her. Can't stop talking about her. He is blaming himself for everything that happened. I could now say he regrets everything he did. ginsberglee, doen't even show her face. Doesn't contact any of us to let us know if she will drop the charges. Doesn't care to know how my brother is doing. All he want's is to get out and start a new life. My brother doesn't deserve to be where he is at. He is were he is at because of "love".

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