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I Hate That I Love Men!!!!


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Hey Spugly Fuglet,


I appreciate your feelings and it is just fair enough to make a stand for the ignorant masses which are obviously not represented here by their non-presense.


This thread shows a lot about compatibility between the sexes and people in general. That's life.


Being a complex of person often is no fun by the way.

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you know what to others your the stupid & ignorance ones, the ones that look down an there work in the malles, bars, gas stations. The bank teller, cop, waiter all trying to get on with there life will interletutil snops pour diristion on there lifes as some how less worthy.

i don't think anyone contended that blue collar workers & their lives are diminuitive in any way, shape, or form.


Shame on you.

Your no difrent nore am I we are all stupid & ignorance if you think other wise then you are fooling your selfs.


i assure you that i am no fool !


FYI- we all are ignorant to a certain degree relative to certain issues or topics even more so, we all guilty of making stupid mistakes !

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i`ve gone through phases of hating women. i tried ignoring them and not even looking at them. i even went through a gay period.(all in my mind and fantasies ,ofcourse. i`ve never been with anyone.)

well nothing worked. i`ve settled most of my grievences with the world,including the opposite sex. my only suggestion is .....it takes time.

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Yup, I have hated myself for liking women so much and I have hated women at times also...


Don't want to switch teams as that does not excite me...


Most people you meet are so shallow, all they care about is themselves...

What good are they...


I have been with many, many women and out of all of them there is only one that I was crazy in love over and I blew it (of course)...Took me so long to find her and she was right under my nose all along...


All the others were just someone to be with and when I realized I did not want them broke up with them...


Yup the opposite sex suks but what are you gonna do?


Be a monk or a nun and your problems are solved...lol

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  • 2 months later...

Red Queen, you said you haven't met a man who surprised you or swept you off your feet... well, I don't know what it takes to sweep you away, but as to surprising you, I'd ask where you're meeting guys and whether you're perhaps moving in too conventional an orbit.


It seems to me that most people have almost a fetish for the conventional, and an aversion to the eccentric. When I hear people saying that everyone they meet bores them or disappoints them, I always wonder if they're sticking too close to the herd.


For offbeat thinkers like me, the eccentric and the quirky are what make life colorful and exciting.


From the tone of your posts, you strike me as an original thinker who has a mind of her own and isn't afraid to use it. I know the feeling; I'm the same way. For me, it takes a rather special kind of people to offer the intellectual stimulation that I need, and I suspect you're similar.


So... what particular traits (outside the conventional ones) tickle you the right way in a guy? Look for men in fields or areas that attract people with those traits. If you only meet people through the "normal" avenues, you'll keep meeting "normal" people, and they seem to be disappointing you. For example, I find tough girls and women bodybuilders sexy, so I've occasionally tried to meet women at gun shows. Sounds sort of odd? Well, yes... but that's the idea. That's where you find the fascinatingly offbeat characters.

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perhaps it's that I happen to be both smart and emotionally intelligent, so when engaging men in something as simple as a conversation, or as complex as an intimate relationship, I find them to be, well somewhat disappointing.


Well, maybe it's the caliber men you go after. Find someone smarter and more emotionally complex than you, so they can humble you!

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Well, maybe it's the caliber men you go after. Find someone smarter and more emotionally complex than you, so they can humble you!


The only "smarter and more emotionally complex" men that I have found in comparison to myself have been writers (of all types including philosophers, playwrights, poets, lyricists etc.) Unfortunately for me, many of these men are dead, and the ones who are not, I have never actually met.


Do these men "humble" me? No, not really. However do these men "comfort" me? Absolutely they do, hell yes!!!


F.Y.I. "people" don't humble me, However the enormity of the universe as well as the fragility of life humble my very infinitesimal existence each and every day.

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The only "smarter and more emotionally complex" men that I have found in comparison to myself have been writers (of all types including philosophers, playwrights, poets, lyricists etc.) Unfortunately for me, many of these men are dead, and the ones who are not, I have never actually met.


Not sure I understand where you're going with this. Are you comparing your intelligence to that of Poe, Dikkens, Shakespeare, etc? So these (and the few geniuses alive today) are the only people who can understand your complexity?


Well then, let me go brush up on Homer and Freud and get back to you. In the mean time let me go grab another steak from the fridge. I haven't figured out how to operate a fork yet, so I have to use my hands. Grunting helps sometimes. Hehe, couldn't resist a little humor.


Why not find a good doctor or lawyer? Or maybe an astronaut. I'm sure they're very intelligent, and rare too.


(( Couldn't spell Dikkens the right way because of those little stars ))

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i understand as well as anyone how it chafes the ego that she finds us all lacking, but i think TRQ deserves our sympathy and not our snickery sarcasm. she has, after all, assigned herself the most fundamental of impossible tasks: she has a finite amount of time to find the perfect man, in an infinite universe in which perfection does not exist.


the process has already begun: she will fall in love, again and yet again, with the romanticized personae of those whose writing she carefully absorbs; eventually to fall into disappointment and loneliness afresh upon the dicovery of their feet of clay. i saw this in her very first thread; the utter pathos of her predicament wounded me on the spot. is it any wonder that her words strike us as bitter? do we mock her for expressing sincerely her anger and vexation over the fact that we all fall short under scrutiny? not i.


only the man whom TheRedQueen does not meet will keep his place in the very center of her heart. a sadder and more isolating life, a more unfortunate and poignant fate is beyond my imagining.


if only one of us could live up to her standards.

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Not sure I understand where you're going with this. Are you comparing your intelligence to that of Poe, Dikkens, Shakespeare, etc? So these (and the few geniuses alive today) are the only people who can understand your complexity?


Well then, let me go brush up on Homer and Freud and get back to you. In the mean time let me go grab another steak from the fridge. I haven't figured out how to operate a fork yet, so I have to use my hands. Grunting helps sometimes. Hehe, couldn't resist a little humor.


Why not find a good doctor or lawyer? Or maybe an astronaut. I'm sure they're very intelligent, and rare too.


(( Couldn't spell Dikkens the right way because of those little stars ))


Doctor? Lawyer? Astronaut? Snore, snore, vomit, bore, thanks but no thanks. I'd rather pick my nose in bumper to bumper traffic while listening to white noise on the radio.

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I'd rather pick my nose in bumper to bumper traffic.


a salty booger


*scratches head' date=' picks nose*[/quote']


I love strong noses too, hell sometimes I think the more prominent the better.


I start picking my nose and drooling, this usually seems to get my dates really turned on.


Soy Flax cereal' date=' soy milk, and three salty semi-dessicated boogers[/quote']


it s'not a sure thing, but i think i've finally figured out what your fetish is, my lil green sweet pea.

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this is a red-letter day. for the first time in my life i came up with three relatively worthy rejoinders simultaneously:


1) who has a bent nose?


2) a nose by any other name would smell as deep.


3) you think yours is too flat, i think mine's too big. step into my Recombinant Mitochondrial Inter-Metastasization Chamber (patent pending), said the scientist to the fly.


pick one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What a great thread. I can relate since I often feel the same about women. Though I never wanted a gay pill, an asexual pill would be nice.


I've found that sometimes a sufficiently discouraged and negative attitude will result in temporary asexuality that sometimes lasts one to 3 months.


I'm very sorry to hear that men are a source of stress for you.


Sometimes an extended vacation from the opposite sex is best to clear your mind and recover.


I wish you luck and all the best.

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