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He doesn't need to know....right???


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I have decided that I can't deal with the situation im in any longer. I am better than this. He returns on Saturday from Florida. Should I tell him that I cant do it any longer, theres nothing with us. You don't want me but then again don't want to lose me- NO WAY!!! I CANT!!!! My g/f is telling me that I don't need to tell him anything, she advised just to not call him EVER! He won't care anyway, I know he wishes that I stop calling him! Hes always with an attitude/moody when I call but he wont say to end the whole "seeing" one another thing! I have to be the one to do it. What do u think? Do I need to say what Im going to do/ just do it. I know he wont even budge to call if I don't!!!


Any other suggestions?? Please i'm desperate!!

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Do whatever would make you feel good in this.

If you don't think he will care if you call again, DON'T bother. If he starts wondering & calls you than you can tell him than Or ignore his call.


Do YOU feel like you owe him an explanation? I think you've given him enough & should now focus on what you need.

If you want to tell him, do it. If you don't feel like it don't. But don't feel like you NEED to do anything. Only do what you need for yourself (I know it sounds selfish, but you've given him 6 months of yourself your time, love, attention & been patient through it) He's willingly taken it & returned nothing. It's time to focus on YOU!!!

wish you the best (: I think you made the right choice

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Don't call him. Move on, if he finally takes the time to call, tell him you're done with him.


I agree. Just move on. If you did initiate a conversation like this, chances are it would just give him an opportunity to say some pretty hurtful things to you.

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I'm gonna have to put a spanner in the works and disagree with the previous posters here. Not sure if there are other posts around but I've only read this one so that's what my response is based on.


Anyhow I think if you want things to be over you should tell him. It's not fair on him to just disapear and leave him unsure about what's going on. Maybe he doesn't care, but maybe he does, maybe he's just not good at demonstrating his feelings. What if he does care and he gets worried that he never hears from you and doesn't know what happened to you?


If you really can't see any future with him then okay, break up, but he deserves to know what's happening. Leaving him in the dark is not fair.

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Hi. I think that the best solution in your situation would be not telling him. Just disappear. I bet he will call you or text you eventualy and than revenge, sweet revenge: Oh, It's you, sorry I can't talk to you anymore, I am in serious relationship, I am contacting only my friends .

And if he doesn't calls you still win. You got rid of that crap.

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Normally I would agree with what Mr. Mister said but this time Sboogie - and only because I've been where you are, just let it be. If and when he calls you, either ignore it, or briefly tell him you're done. But in the mean time, just don't call, contact or allow contact. Act as if you're done.


Calling him to end it is placing him in the position to ask you to stay or convince you to and that's begging for trouble.


If this decision requires no debate or negotiation, just avoid contact with him.

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