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She Threw A Curve At Me That Change Everything

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My ex and I broke up in March due to a fight that we got into and I told her it was over. Of course i didn't want it to be over but over the argument and with all that emotion that it brought it came out and i tried so many times to go back out with her but she did not want to but always wanted to be friends. Of course being friends is very hard and I she never wanted to talk about it but I always brought it up. We would talk everynight on the phone and then it was on and off but she would always call and i would always bring it us up. She hated it and we got into a huge fight before we graduated and she was so upsett and told me we could not just be friends because of everything that i brought with it. But I know how much she still wants me in her life because she still wanted to try to be friends and i told her that i would change and not bring it up and just be her friend. This was in June 9th or so.


Well after we graduated we never saw each other and I told her that i would try this friend thing but its very hard but she knows i love her and everything but we never saw each other. Now its july and I broke my promise with being friends because i brought it up a couple times. But latly i have been doing it alot and she has been getting very upsett and she yells at me and goes you say you will change and you never do its the same thing all the time. She is right i say things and do the complete opposite.


But she invited me to go to her 4th of July Party and we got into a fight because when she ivited me i told her that i would see on how i feel because i play baseball and i get very soar she is like fine i dont want you to come. So i made plans to do something else and she got very upsett cause we got into a fight bout going out after that but then she asked me if i wanted to go to her party and i said no and i did something else instead. And she was upsett that i didn't listen to her on the phone cause i was paying attention to something else and she thinks that what i was paying attention to was more important than her.


So she called me tonight saying I dont want to be friends anymore and im just like WHAT !!! because i want her in my life and i want to be with her but she does not want to be my friend. She is like you complain that we never see each other and when i do invite you to do something you blow me off to do something else. Then i tell you i just want to be your friend and you bring up us all the time. I can't do it anymore she said she says that she is done with me trying to make her jealous she says it doesn't work and it just gets me angry. But she will fight with me because she thinks that some girl is more of my friend than her. But she tells me she doesn't care anymore and she doesn't want me in her life. And im telling her that i love her and i dont want to loose her and she says you can say everything but its not gonna change the fact that i dont want to be your friend anymore because you keep on doing the same things. But when I was like I love you and if this is what you want than i just want you to be happy she was like okay. And i told her if you ever want to call me my phone will be on but then i said well now there is no reason to leave it on and she said w/e.


But when i kept trying to say bye and say i love you have a nice life and stuff she was like you going to be on AIM 2morow and i was like no and she is like well i wanted to talk to you bout this friends thing. And we talked about it how like when she says she doesn't care it doesn't mean that sometimes but she doesn't have anymore feelings for me because everytime we faught they kept going away. But everytime i was about to say bye have a nice life she did not want to hang up. But I convinced her to give me another shot for me to change and when i said if i can do it for a month ill ask you back out and she said she doesn't know about that but to try to change and prove to her for a month. And she said if its ment to be it will be and she said that i would know when to ask her back out if the time was right. But i just want to know if with everything that she says like how she has no feelings for me and all this stuff like she doesn't care bout me if she still does and she just tells me this stuff. Because she never wants to say bye to me like end it she says she does but we never do.

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I think you just need to move on. Don't text, don't call, no AIM, no e-mail.


You obviously can't be friends with her because of your feelings still, and you both sound pretty immature for that kinda of relationship.


If your not putting in everything, she doesn't deserve it. And if you can can give her isn't enough, whats a month of change going to do? It's irrational.


Just write it off as an example of what NOT to do in the future. Like I said. Just go to NC, so it'll stop all the fights. Why would you care to fight with an ex?

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It's quite understandable that she didn't want to be kept hanging 'til the last minute to find out whether or not it was going to be convenient for you to spend the fourth with her. A simple "no" would have at least freed her up to make plans with someone who's a little more capable of commit to a one day event.


For future reference, the appropriate (and *considerate*) response to such an invitation is either "yes", or "no".

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You obviously can't be friends with her because of your feelings still, and you both sound pretty immature for that kinda of relationship.

My thoughts exactly.


You did break up with her, so you shouldn't expect her to be happy to be around you. Even if you didn't mean to say it, you did and obviously it was very hurtful. Let her go, all you're doing is perpetuating the pain. Maybe next time when you have a fight with a GF you'll remember not to let yourself get out of control and say things you don't mean.

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