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sore feet and ankles

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So I played a big soccer game with some friends last night. I was a big soccer player in middle and high school, but I havent played much at all since then. The thing is, this morning when I woke up, the inside top part of my feet were super sore and a tad swollen. Also, I could hardly move my ankles. I stretched and warmed up and all, so I don't know what the deal is. It felt like the ball may have been over inflated, so it may be because the impact on my feet was harder. I'm starting to wonder if I had built up some kind of toughness on my feet back then, and I've just lost it over the years. Any medical/playing advice?

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I think the phrase, use it or lose it, applies well here. You're body most likely has "forgotten" the wear and tear of football if you haven't played in awhile. Its like for me, over the winter my hands get soft and all my calluses are gone by spring. When I work in my garden the first few times my hands hurt like crazy until I get those calluses back.


You should keep your feet elevated and put some ice on it to help reduce the swelling. Take some Ibuprofen and keep and eye on it. If the swelling and pain doesn't improve in another day you might think about talking to the doctor. Maybe next time you play footie, don't play as hard and ease yourself back into the game.

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This is kinda out of topic, but I'm just curious: You play in a college team or you just play with some friends with the whole world cup craze going on and stuff?


As for the pain. Yeah, I'd say it's probably that back then your feet had developed a toughness, and you lost it from the lack of practice... It has happened to me. But it will come back to you if you keep practicing. In the meanwhile, I think CarnelianButterfly has provided you with some excellent advice. Good luck.

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CB is right on the money.


Feet strenthen themselves by reactive feedback. The more you run and use them, the stronger they become.


Interestingly, running barefoot actually strenthens your feet a lot (which is why you probably did some drills barefoot when you played soccer).


I'd follow CB's advice.

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Hey Stinkweed-I used to play for my schools in middle and high school and I played club soccer back in the day as well. I also play in a intramural league back at college, but not the actual school team or anything. I've always been up for kicking it around a bit with friends, but last night was the first full length game I've played in probably 2 or 3 years. Have you been following the WC at all?


Thanks for the advice everyone; I figured I just needed to gain my strength back...

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I think CB probably gave you some good advice with the elevating your feet and taking some ibuprophen and maybe the ice packs.


When I was working as a retail sales person in a department store I was on my feet all day for 8 - 10 hours a day , and would come home with sore feet and ankles nearly every day.



I have this foot bath massager type thing that you fill with water and add a soothing foot treatment packet . It bubbles and massages your feet. I would then prop my feet up for the evening and take a couple of pain tablets. While propped up thought I would gently rotate my ankles now and then to keep the stiffness down.

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Have you been following the WC at all?


Yeh... I've watched about every game, and I gotta tell ya, I'm no fan of this world cup, lol. I mean, the only team left that I like was Germany, and they lost against Italy in the semi-finals... I don't like either of the two teams who'll play in the finals, so yeah, I kinda don't care much for who'll win anymore. Hey, but at least the last couple of games have had decent referees, man, unlike that guy who gave out like 8 red card during the Netherlands vs. Portugal match. and that's just one example...

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