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Her parents won't let her use phone!

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i'm 16 my gf is 15, she doesn't have a cell phone, and her parents won't let her talk to boys on the phone. but we can't stop talking, she calls me every night after her parents go to sleep and sometimes we talk for hours. well recently her parents caught her on the phone, and she told them it was her friend crystal, when really it was me, and they didn't believe her. so now we are all paranoid that her parents are going to somehow find out she talks to me on the phone all the time because they caught her once, they keep bringing it up. so here's my question, i don't know how many here are familiar with MCI's phone service. but is there any way that a customer can call and get a list or find out outgoing numbers that have been dialed from their phone. i never call her, she always calls me. and now she's afraid her parents are going to try to find out somehow if she's been calling my number regularly. so is that possible?

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I use to have MCI as my long distance service and the monthly bill shows all the calls made from that number, so her parents will see that she has been making calls to you, the time the calls were made, and how long the calls lasted.


Is there any possibility you can get her a calling card so she can call you. That way, there really isnt any record of calls made.

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Just don't give a dam about what her parents say and keep on having a relationship with her, invite her to your house. If the parents start complain, let her tell them that if mom and dad can have a relationship with eachother, why can't she have a bf? It makes no sense.

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Just for the record, she is 15, meaning she is a minor. Sorry to say, her parents still have the right to tell her what she can and cannot do while under their roof. It's up to her if she wants to respect their wishes or not (and rarely 15 year olds choose to do this), but this might be something you cannot change. I would just let her call you, you aren't doing anything wrong. That's up to her to answer to them. But they are allowed to be pissed if they want, it still is their house.

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Yes, she is still under the parents care and live under their house.


She really has not much stands here.


I hope that her parents would gradually open up.


Do both of you have internet connection at home?

May be both of you could use Skype, which is a free online communication tools. Both of you could talk using the microphone. It save up cost too.

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