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What Am I Becoming?

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Ok first off if she tells anyone you could get in alot of trouble with the law. It is called statutory rape.

Second what does a 13 year old offer to a 19 year old? They are not even in the same hemisphere?

Thirdly you need to gain some common sense, meaning you need to act like an adult and quit posting of what should I do about this what should I do about that.

This is post however is REALLY DISTURBING!!!!

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Hey I was just sleeping on the floor and she got on me and it went from there.


COME ON AGGIE!!! Give me a break!! You know what that sounds like??? The guys you see on tv getting busted for soliciting 13 year old online. They arent though they are cops they are talking to.


You are old enough to know better. You are to blame on this one...

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I fooled around with a 13 y/o girl last night, but there wasnt any sex. I knew her age beforehand and I enjoyed the foreplay. I also hate God, get drunk, smoke, and support my dad with his affair. Im not an addict tho.


This post sounds like your braging about the things you do which you know are wrong.


Now tell us what your do thats right

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IT DOESNT MATTER!!!!!! Sharing your feelings about this could land you in some SERIOUS trouble with the law


This is a serious matter Aggie, do you not realize this???? You can be reported for this. Especially if there was foreplay. Any contact with her genitals. This is a reportable matter.....

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IT DOESNT MATTER!!!!!! Sharing your feelings about this could land you in some SERIOUS trouble with the law


This is a serious matter Aggie, do you not realize this???? You can be reported for this. Especially if there was foreplay. Any contact with her genitals. This is a reportable matter.....



I agre 100%


you need to know how wrong what you did was, it dos not matter how the child felt and she is a child. What worrys me is your seem to thing that this and other things you do are things to be proud of. You ask what your becoming the ancwer is


Prisinoer 23876

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Aggie I have taken a screen shot of your post and so modifying it over and over will not help. You stated you fooled around with a 13 year old girl and ENJOYED it. Your exact words. In my state you would be convicted of Child Molestation. Which is a minimum of 7 years. This is very reportable and should be!!!!!!!!!!!!

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