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Everything Going Right For Once!

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Yeyyyy well the title says it all really. Life is good right now for me. The sun is shining and I'm smiling!


I got the job I wanted no more unemployment for me! My prom went amazing and I go on holiday on Friday could life get any better.


Only bad thing is I have a bad back and I believe that I am still in love with my ex but we are just friends so I guess I can cope with that.


I hope everyone else out there are smiling and happy! Much love to you all x x x

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Hey blondy,


good for you!!! Congrats on the job, you will do fine! Yeah, it's hot, isn't it? Here in Holland it's like 30 C. But it's great, everyone seems happy in the sunshine, and we were craving for it after such a long winter.



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