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EX making a reappearance

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After a date, I went home and checked my email. Was surprised to see an email from the ex (after a month of absolute NC). He wanted to hang out. Attached some sentimental letter (content of the letter seemed pretty focused on himself tho).


I ignored the email and moved it to some folder which I won't look at again.


Later in the day, got a text message from the ex. Said he was sorry about the email, he was drunk and will try not to let it happen again. Yeah, good one.


No reaction from me. He's done this before and I, out of hope & sadness & love for him, had previously responded to his little gesture.


I cried after reading his email, but I'm determined to get on with my life. I don't want to be pulled into the hellish pain I'd gone through for the past months.


His little half-hearted attempt for attention is just going to be a small bleep in the back of my mind.

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Wow! I'm impressed, good for you! Sounds like something my ex would do. I hope I have the strength you do. You should be really proud of yourself for not responding. Also, you should feel good, because to spite his drunk excuse (lame), he obviously has regrets about losing you. Stay strong!

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Great job! Don't do it, because I did, and every time I responded to his pathetic messages, I either got no answer, or something that just made me hurt all over again. In fact, I have blocked him from my email now, and just changed my number. You may not have to do that, but my ex was really abusive, and did some super hurtful things when we broke up, so I felt in order to move on, thats what I needed to do.


I'm proud of you! Keep it up ok.

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