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When I saw you for the first time I believed things would be great

As months passed we got closer and closer

What I didn't realize was the lies you told me over and over again

The random phone calls on your phone, the messages on your computer

Whenever I would ask you would make up an excuse and I would take it like a fool

Until one day I got up and called the number back to hear a girl pick up on the other end


I couldn't believe you had cheated,

I didn't dare think you would hurt

I should have known you were hiding

Yet I trusted something inside those big blue eyes


2 years later I wonder why I let you affect my life so much

When all you had given me was pain and deceit

When all that came out of your mouth was lies after lies

Why was it so hard to just let it all go and smile for once


You had stolen my heart

You had stolen my laugh

All I did now was cry and cry until I fell asleep

I walked alone and had become a joke to the world

Until one day I just decided to end it all and took the pills and prayed for my call

That night I closed my eyes and whispered a final goodbye

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Until one day I just decided to end it all and took the pills and prayed for my call

That night I closed my eyes and whispered a final goodbye


That above is the sad part ,,,,,when people are so distraught they actually end up taking their own lives sometimes.


Certainly no one is worth taking your life over and life must go on.


I actually can identify with the poem, UP UNTIL THOSE LAST TWO LINES. I never once was so distraught to consider something that drastic. However, I had every other thought and emotion in the poem, when I was lied to and cheated on

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Still dont' quite understand why many people will think about ending their lifes just cuz of a bad relation. I mean isn't there more to life than getting into a relation, how about your family, your job (if you're working), or your career if you're studying, paying for your income taxes, your morgage, bills, clubs, activitties, etc... then be thinking "Oh my soulmate mate, oh I'm nothing without him/her".

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