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Forever Goodnight / Love Affair With Nightmares


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Barely a poem. More like the "crummy ideas that swell in my head that I can't write down cause they're difficult and I don't know where to put them so they sit there in my pad and waste space until I finally write a messy flow of all of the ideas and words in one big messy pile." type of thing, you know?


And so this is how it goes

This is what it feels like

To be used

To be the abused

And this, this is what it's like

To be bleeding

And bruised

At living life -

You seem to be amused


Swear you couldn't be

You wouldn't be

The one living this nightmare

A love affair

With the bullet

It slides through the head

Panic oozes -

Loveliness drips red


I'm ten steps ahead


So this is what is happening

Dreaming dreams

Fragment memories broken

Indefinitely outspoken

World spinning

Your face breaks

Loveliness falling

Occupying the clubs reserve

Momentum stalling


Swear you had a good run

But it must end now

Every single way

It ends today


And so forever goodnight

We wish to be right

But drama

Drama caves in

And further we slide

We tried, we tried

This dark world

This sharp life

It robs us blind

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