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he says he feels quilty


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Thanks Man , I am pretty angry again. This is good for me. It means i will be cool in a couple of days.


Some people on here beg to differ but anger is a part of the grieiving process and the grieving process leads to the salvation of healing.


You're doing fine...keep it up...

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Yep day 7 NC /moving on.


Feet are sore from dancing all night with my girlfriends.

Woke up this morning - well sad yes - but okay.

its 3 weeks break up now.

Thank you RC , for checking up on me!! I am going to vegas myself soon.!

hows the weather?

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So my ex just called my new boss ( a client of his , my ex reccomended me for this job , BUT they DO NOT know he was my boyfriend)

anyway - I am sitting here and i can hear my new boss phone ring -" Oh Hey (insert human wrecking ball name) whats up, then he says Oh yeah we hired her , she is perfect. She is our new glue here. "

Why is he checking up on me?


Also my phone rang private this morning , i didnt answer they didnt leave a message.Maybe him , dont know. whatever.


Its still Day 9 NC/ MOving on

Just felt good to hear my new boss say all those nice things to him about me.

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its day 10 nc/moving

i am lieing to day to my new boss so i wont have to see him.

Its just to early - if i see him i would be a million steps backwards.

I realize i may have to see him so i am preparing myself for that situation , but for today - I am hiding.

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Be strong and don't hide. You need to realize that he wants you and is now feeling very rejected, you have the upper hand. You on the other hand know who he is and how he is and you deserve better than that, so there will be more damage to him than you. Let him see how good you are doing and how great you look, shame he'll never have you again!



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I understand your point RC , but i just cant face him yet.

I amhere at work now - but i told my new boss , I mean , I ASKED him if it would be allright if i skip out on the meeting to take my mom to the doctors.

He was totally fine , he said oh yeah dont worry this meeting isnt anything- its cool.

So i feel okay about it.

I cant believe its 10 days no contact. and this weekend will be 1 month broken up.

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