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Women making more money than men???

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Not trying to be mean about it but what am I supposed to do if someone is going to reject me because I make more?


Bethany, I haven't and won't be alone any time soon. I'm pretty good looking so I meet the main requirement for most men.


Understand their feelings, maybe? There's more to life than money and good looks. Both disappear with time.


I'm worth way over two million dollars, own my own home, good job, own car and am attractive too. But I as a woman I am trying to understand how a man would feel. This makes far more sense to me than treat men's feelings and thoughts who earn less than me like they are talking baby crap.


I have said before on here that I would live in a box for the man I loved, and I stick by thatbecause I know deep inside that.... Money don't mean **** and people do.

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What if the woman inherited a lot of money before you met, would this be a problem?


yeah, I was wondering that too. I also inherited a large chunk of money when my grandparents died, so I bought a condo with the money and left the rest in the bank, and when my ex-boyfriend came over to see it, all he did was ridicule the place, and the design, etc. (by the way, he is 6 years older than me, renting, low paying job, and trying to get himself out of debt.)

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I have a well established career. I am probably going to earn more than a lot of men. I don't think I'll quit and get a job at the gas station any time soon to soothe some man's frail ego.


I think some of you men get a little ridiculous with your standards and wouldn't be worth dealing with you baby crap just to have you around.


It's not really a case of "standards" per se and I (for one) certainly wouldn't let it get in the way of an otherwise good relationship. I have no problem with equality of the sexes in the workplace and, in fact, I still think there's progress left to be made.


I was being honest, when I said that men of my age were brought up to be the main breadwinner and I would find it difficult to adjust to. In fact, it may well become a reality for me because I am due to retire some time before my wife.

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Wow, I'm amazed all the attention this topic has gotten. I know it's mostly traditional for men to make more money than women, and i know it's going to be different for every person. I think my bf gets down because he is in a tight situation and wants to split it 50/50...but I REALLY love the idea Annie threw out - get him to do something for me in return. Really i just want him to go with me - because it's MY vacation and I'm really doing this for myself, and there's no one else in the world I'd rather come with me than him. I know he's going to go, but I don't want him to whine about it everyday until we go, you know? Money used to mean nothing to him - when he had it...now he's so upset about it. He's not very handy when it comes to fixing things, lol, so I'll have to think of something else he can do for me to kind of split it. First off I'll make him do all the driving when we go down, lol. Maybe i'll just bring the idea up to him tonight when he stops over and let him try to think of something.

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yeah, I was wondering that too. I also inherited a large chunk of money when my grandparents died, so I bought a condo with the money and left the rest in the bank, and when my ex-boyfriend came over to see it, all he did was ridicule the place, and the design, etc. (by the way, he is 6 years older than me, renting, low paying job, and trying to get himself out of debt.)


That is the kind of childish garbage I am talking about. You need a man not an insecure whinging Nancy boy. I noticed you said he was an ex.

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I am a woman, and I would feel awkward myself if I didn't contribute my share. Perhaps find some ways he can contribute in other ways? Helping with fix-it jobs or such (that's still a traditional man's job!) or looking after the car? I think in that situation, I would like to feel needed and contributing.

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