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(MPD=multiple personality disorder....for those that didnt know).


Hi, I hope this is the right place to post this. Anyways, I'm very confused about this one person in particular...a coworker. She is a pretty lady, but I don't really have any interest in her and I've never really hit on her. The reason this concerns me is because she is my boss. Normally we get along and she laughs at all my jokes (even the really stupid ones). She also compliments me on my job. But then she just changes with the snap of a finger, she'll give me 'mean' looks and become aggrevated with me even though I've done nothing. And it seems like it's not my work she's mad at, it seems personal...like it's only me she's mad at. I don't know what I've done to make her mad. Then two days later she's all nice again. And round and round we go. I find myself trying to avoid her as much as possible and if I do speak to her I keep it on a professional level. I know I should probably confront her, but I don't really know how to go about doing that. I know work isn't supposed to be fun, but do I have to put up with this too?

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OK sorry about that


Yeah, I do finish my work properly...alot of times faster than my fellow coworkers. I don't think she's mad about that, I think she would say so. I don't know it just seems like she singles me out. And it really does hurt my feelings cause we do get along well normally.

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Weasel..maybe you're seeing conflict where there IS none. I tend to do that with authority figures. If she's a "competent" boss..she SHOULD tell you if she is mad or disappointed with your work performance. Maybe you could ask HER....so...how would you rate my job performance"? Or ask her for an honest appraisal of what you've done.

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WildWeasel - Welcome!!


I don't think that means she has an mpd. Why don't you ask her about it? Are you comfortable talking openly with her? It's totally work related.


But to anwer your topic header question, yes, all women have mpd's.


No wait, I mean there are NO women who have mpd's.


Oh, no wait, sorry....some women do some don't.

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WildWeasel - Welcome!!


I don't think that means she has an mpd. Why don't you ask her about it? Are you comfortable talking openly with her? It's totally work related.


But to anwer your topic header question, yes, all women have mpd's.


No wait, I mean there are NO women who have mpd's.


Oh, no wait, sorry....some women do some don't.



LOL, you're so funny, no wait, I'm totally offended by that!

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Wildweasel, you may have noticed that unfavorably generalizing about an entire gender is probably not the best way to get a helpful response on these boards. You might want to consider asking your questions in a way that doesn't insult half the world's population... that might give you better results/responses.


As to the answer to your core underlying question (that has nothing at all to do with gender), there are many types of complex personality disorders, but a PD (of any kind) is strictly a professional diagnosis of very serious psychological imbalances. Technically, only a well-qualified and well-trained, licensed mental health professional can make that kind of determination, and he/she only will do that after a prolonged evaluation following very specific and strict guidelines. It's irresponsible to carelessly apply that label (personality disorder) to someone who's behavior you find difficult.


And besides the full-blown disorders, there are many less-intense variables of those same traits in all of us (men and women). And your boss may (or may not) have these personality traits to a lesser or stronger degree along a spectrum. And those lesser/stronger traits may indeed make her a difficult and unpredictable person to work for.


I don't think that means she has an mpd. Why don't you ask her about it? Are you comfortable talking openly with her? It's totally work related.

And TRS means ask her about the overall problem you're having as it's related to your work circumstances. But definitely DO NOT ask her if she (along with all other females) has MPD. The way you started this thread is definitely not the best opener for having that kind of conversation with your boss.


Also it might help you if you don't refer to your boss as your "coworker,' and it might also help if you don't include any comments about how "pretty" she is.

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Hi wildweasel,


I read the title of this thread several times.


You seem to relate all of a gender to a _major_ personality disorder.


This is inappropiate.


Then, I note that your boss laughs also at your dumbest jokes.


In order, I dare to presume that your boss is sort of one of the "dumb and kind" type individuals for not terminating you at once.


Please think about it...

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I think it's only inappropiate if I was actually being serious about it, but I wasn't. All I meant by it was, "do all women's emotions change with the wind". If you would open your eyes you would've gotten that. I would change the topic name since it offends people, but I cannot.

notto, So you're trying to imply that my boss and I are stupid? Maybe you should watch a cartoon or something, it might put a smile on your face. The only thing inappropiate about this thread is your post.

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It's an honest yes or no question. Look, I didn't come here to be picked on...I just came here to get advice. If you don't have advice for my post then just leave me alone. If I offended you then I'm truly sorry, I did kinda make that statement (Do all women have mpd?) out of anger. It is not something I'd normally say. But I have nothing against women at all. I just don't understand why most women's feelings change dramatically so often.

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Oh, it takes more than that to offend me...my feelers aren't that sensitive hahaha! I would go talk to her, you seem to feel comfortable around her don't you? One thing...before you approach her, read her facial expressions, if she is preoccupied or busy, pick a better time and make sure she is having a good day....Good luck.

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I think it's only inappropiate if I was actually being serious about it, but I wasn't. All I meant by it was, "do all women's emotions change with the wind". If you would open your eyes you would've gotten that. I would change the topic name since it offends people, but I cannot.

ALL posters of this board are asked not to make sweeping generalizations about one gender or the other. It's not a matter of whether anyone specifically here was personally offended or not. I'm not willing to overlook the generalizations here because when female posters write "some men" or "I'm not saying that all men do this, but some do" they've still been admonished for making generalizations about all men, and they've routinely had their threads derailed, their questions unanswered. I simply think the guys on this board should have to follow the same guidelines that the females are asked to follow. So yeah, no blatant generalizations about "all" women. And also, besides the fact that I disagreed with your generalizations, I did also answer your underlying questions earnestly. I can't possibly know from this perspective that you don't mean what you write, so you should be as clear as possible about what you're asking so we don't misunderstand.

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It's an honest yes or no question. Look, I didn't come here to be picked on...I just came here to get advice. If you don't have advice for my post then just leave me alone. If I offended you then I'm truly sorry, I did kinda make that statement (Do all women have mpd?) out of anger. It is not something I'd normally say. But I have nothing against women at all. I just don't understand why most women's feelings change dramatically so often.

OK, You were angry. No problem. We hosed you down a bit.


Peoples feelings change all the time, some more some less. I can be moodier than my gf for that matter.


I suppose your perception of your boss's mood is the difference between your mood and her mood at a given time.


You could get better advice by posting detailed scenarios in a new thread with a sensible title.


And to give you a hint, you seem moodier than her.


We are always here for you.

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OK, You were angry. No problem. We hosed you down a bit.

Yeah I probably needed that

I was a little stressed out, but even so I was in a pretty good mood before she turned into 'the monster'. I do feel comfortable talking to her, but not when she's like this. And she also seemed to lay more work on me and she'd get on to only me about something even though everyone else does it too. In all honesty I don't know what to say to her because I don't know what I've done. And it all seems a little ridiculous to me. Everytime we go through this she always ends up ignoring me afterwards for a while. Do you think I'm better off just avoiding her all the time? I'd rather not have this happen again

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