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how do women flirt with one another?

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hey, was wondering..how do other girls 'hit on' other girls? lol...do the same typical flirting signals apply? or..how do two women flirt (romantically-not just the casual friendly natural female flirting)...how do women flirt with one another and how can u tell if another female is flirting with you? do things like hair twirling, for instance still apply¿ cause everyone knws so much about hetero flirting and ntg about gay flirting! - at least, i dont and considering i may be at least a little bi, it wud be awesome to know, from the ppl who know beest lol...im still just in my teens...and hey, what we do at high skool isnt 'official' flirting i dont think. lol.

thanx...just something that would be really cool to know.

take care everyone!

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Women flirt with women the same way that they flirt with men. Looking someone up and down, checking them out is flirting. Just telling a woman in a flirty voice how beautiful and sexy she is, or complimenting her hair, body, or some other personal feature can be flirty if you say it in a flirty voice. Lightly touching a woman on the small of her back as she passes through a door or lightly touching her hair, face, or hand can be flirty. If you are sitting at a table, teasing can be flirty and you can sort of do the foot tag thing.


You will know if the flirting was well received if the other woman flirts back. Ah, the art of flirting!


BTW, two women flirting with each other is HOT and I love it when a sexy woman flirts with me.

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I agree with Ballys. I tend to tease a lot when I'm flirting. My Fiancee says that what turned her legs to jelly was the way I raise my eyebrow and smile. Plus I have a twinkle in my eye.


Try flirting with some of your friends just for a bit of fun. It's good practice. I still do that with my friends. There's no problem because they do it back and they're straight anyway. My Fiancee's there when I do it too and she loves the way I wind them up. Even winking at someone is flirting.


You can even practice flirting online.


Have fun.

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