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This world today by Outcast-Angel

It's a sad place, this world today

Where bad guys are good

And good girls don't know their worth

When truth is a story written

By word of mouth

And happiness is achieved by prescription

Sex, Drugs, Rock'n'roll

They're youth's religion

(have you met your savior?)


It's a lonely place, the world today

Where your best friend is an addiction

Caffeine, Razor blades, Cigarettes

Wrap yourself in a blanket,

A pillow to muffle the screams

Of twisted thoughts, hallucinations

When responsibilities f**k with your head,

And commitment is a frightening concept


It's an empty place, this world today

Where everyone's a narcissist,

And love is just a word

Lust, Escape, Violence

When animal instincts rule our hearts

And there's complete disregard of human sensibilities

Because everyone just needs to get laid.

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