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I just wanted to thank everybody from here who gave me good wishes and was there for me through my constant putting up of new threads last week. Today, I was able to get through the situation I was so worried for the last few weeks. It turned out ok and I am relieved. All I have left to do now is to let my friend out of my life (although that WONT be easy and I know I will be asking for help on here) and start my life over again.


Life is tough but I have some good friends, and a lot of good, supportive people on here.


Life goes on, I hope.

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I am glad you got through today as best you could. I understand about having to let some friends go.


I followed your threads, however there were days that I just did not know what to say to help you or make it better.


Just know that I think of you and what you must be dealing with and hope the best for you.

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Thanks everybody. I couldnt have gotten through this without the support of people from here and one or two good friends. I still have a long road ahead. It isnt going to be easy because now I have to extricate myself from the marriage and my best friend doesnt know I want to do that.


I need to start my life over again. It wont be easy because I know I will fall at times, falter, make mistakes, etc. But I want to be free again and learn to make new friends and be happy.

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