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I'm not a geek... or am I?

Kevin T

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I don't think it matters much unless you go for women who want a man who is very muscular and athletic. I am not "geeky' (although I guess my niece might think so, because of the type of work I do, that I'm not a wild partyer etc) but seriously, intelligence and someone who is intellectual is a top priority for me only surpassed by character, integrity and sincerity. My boyfriend is in academia, is a brilliant man, loves nothing more than to research and write on the academic topics he loves for hours and hours. He doesn't like the gym and likes watching sports but doesn't play a sport. He dresses well now because he has a few long term relationships under his belt and the women taught him how to dress - he finally saw the importance of that in the last 10 years. (he is 39 like me).


I think he'd be fine if someone referred to him as a geek - he'd probably laugh and think the person was just jealous of his succcess and passion for his career (we don't know many people at our age who love what they do and get paid enough to do it and live comfortably) -


Sure - if you want to try a sport or go to the gym and work out, by all means - but I hope also that you accept who you are and change only if you decide you want to.

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If you dress as you say and you don't look like a barnyard door smashed with the ugly stick, I don't think any of your other 'flaws' will show as long as you keep them in moderation, so they're not really a big deal.


If you dressed like a hobo and did look like... what I said above, and didn't keep them in moderation, there'd be a problem. Besides the obvious one, you'd also be me.


I could really do with some interests that led to meeting girls... but I'm 'special,' and all that, so it's not likely to happen.


PP, sup3r-geek and way too old for it. Bleh

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You know what, guys? I firmly believe that you are who you choose to be. And I've never considered myself to be a geek - i.e. being unattractive, having no style or fashion sense, being completely socially inept, etc. (That is what I define as a true "geek" or "nerd" BTW), so why should I start now?!


I have always thought highly of myself (except for when I'd occasionally get down on myself at times), but really... I've always thought of myself as a cool person. Why should that be any different now?


Why should it matter what one person thinks, especially when they hardly even know me! I shouldn't let things like that get to me. I totally agree with you all on that.

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You know what, guys? I firmly believe that you are who you choose to be. And I've never considered myself to be a geek - i.e. being unattractive, having no style or fashion sense, being completely socially inept, etc. (That is what I define as a true "geek" or "nerd" BTW), so why should I start now?!


Could not have said it better myself!

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I don't know if you're a geek or not. I don't think it matters really. Why worry about it?


Some women think I'm a geek. Some think I'm cool. I don't care either way. Some women like me. Some don't. That's normal. I don't worry about it. Make a reasonable effort, but beyond that don't worry about it.


Also, some women like geeks, but you'll most likely find those ladies at a bookstore or library, or similar place. If you really are a geek, you need to be in those types of places to meet an appropriate woman.


As long as you are clean and reasonably well dressed, that's what matters most. Anything else is details. There's someone out there who will like your details.


Being good at conversation helps a lot, but sometimes isn't necessary. Same with confidence.

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