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Have you found yourself liking a physical feature ...


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that you never would have found remotely attractive till you met your partner?


I did. My poor boyfriend is losing his hair and has some hair on his chest. Before I would have loved a full head of hair! And always preferred those men on TV or movies without hair on their chest. My ideal man would have these qualities, but I love the way my boyfriend looks and wouldn't change a thing about him.


Anyone have a similar experience?

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When I find myself truly liking a guy, everything becomes secondary next to his personality that I find myself so attracted to. Suddenly, regardless of his looks, he automatically becomes an uber-sexy adonis. This is one of the reasons women tend to be better human beings than men, methinks.

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monkey1, your post is reminiscent to me of the Japanese concept of wabi-sabi, wherein a slight 'imperfection' serves to enhance one's overall appreciation for the beauty of an object (or person). do you think that's relevant here?


Possibly. Like TheRedQueen said, once you become attracted to someone's personality, their physical qualities become secondary. I'm sure there are folks on here that will say that maybe their physical flaw(s) are the ones their partner finds cute or attractive. Ha, I know it's true for my partner.

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Before I met my now ex, I pretty much had an eye only for brunettes. For some reason, blondes didn't really appeal to me. But, the first time I saw her, she took my breath away, and well things changed from then on.


Its definitely a personality thing. We all have physical images of what we think we prefer as the ideal type, but once we meat that person who takes hold of our hearts, all of a sudden, they become the picture of perfection. Flaws and all.


I know I wouldn't change a thing about her. (Even when she had her hair cut from long to short!) She told me that she had it cut real short over the phone, and I was worried that it would be too much. But, when I saw her, nothing had changed. She was still the same beautiful person.


So yeah. I agree that when it involves the heart, everything is right!

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Male hair loss is triggered by a combination of two things.


The gene for hair loss is triggered by high levels of testosterone. So hair loss is one outer visual indicator of high testosterone. Others are deep voice, muscles, prominent chin, body hair, etc.


I learned about this in a biology class years ago. Some men with high testosterone display all the outer visual signals, but most men only display one or a few.


One effect of high testosterone is a high sex drive. However, that is not something you can see at a glance.


By contrast, greying hair in men is caused by lower levels of testosterone. My womanizing friend Bill, just started going grey. LOL. I'm betting that's going to soon start affecting his activities. LOL.




So maybe your boyfriend has some manly qualities you like? I'm guessing so. There are women who prefer bald or balding men. I have a one platonic lady friend who thinks they look good. I know another who thinks they're better in bed. So your boyfriend's "flaw" may look good to some women, even at first glance.


Also, as the RedQueen said, personality is most important. You obviously like his personality.

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I always had an idea in my mind from when I was about 14 regarding what my ideal physical appearance in a guy and a girl was.


I went out with people from all parts of the spectrum, but I always favoured the slightly darker look. The first time I saw my boyfriend, I couldn't believe it. He was the height I wanted (only slightly taller than me) the build I wanted (slim/verging on very slim) the hair I wanted (long, dark) the eyes I wanted (dark) the voice and dress sense and everything...


It was weird in a way. But brilliant!

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Hmm it's an interesting thread, for me, I was always obsessed with green and blue eyes. Everyone I used to lust after when I was 13, 14 and 15 had blue or green eyes, and I was reading my OLD diary the other day, and I it said "The guy I'm going to marry will have blue or green eyes!"


My first serious relationship, what colour are his guys? BROWN!

Haha I should have known such irony will occur! So yeah I guess it's true that image becomes secondary.


Additionally, I find when someone is hooked on someone, if their image changes after no matter how dramatically, it doesn't matter. I once fell for a guy not long ago who ALL the girls in my college thought was extremely good-looking. 6 months down the line he gained so much weight it was uncanny. He went from fit, to just plain fat. Regardless of this I was still obsessed with him and didn't care at all. Just shows! Reminds me also of a quote (it may not be accurate):

"Love is seeing an imperfect person, perfectly"

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I have been attracted to men of all types. Some could of been on the cover of GQ, others I normally would not look twice at on the street.


My longest relationship of 5 years was with a man whom was half bald (he started going bald at 16), had a very odd shaped head, was slightly chubby but to me was very attractive.


I generally never went for tall, really lean guys, but when I met my current boyfriend I fell head over heels and loved the height and the leaness! The feeling was mutual, he generally never went for petite girls, but he lowered his height requirement pretty quickly!


Generally, while you may have a "set of ideals" of what you are attracted, your heart often makes it's own decisions. Which is not a bad thing.

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