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Hairy Chests?

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I would like to get an insight if anyone would feel compelled to indulge me. I know every woman has a slightly different feeling on certain topics. But I would like every female's opinion on this that I can find. So if everyone who reads this can reply even if it's extremely short. Take this as sort of a one question survey.


Do you, as women, like hairy chests? And if a guy does has hair on his chest and you don't like it, is it okay to shave it?...or is that flat out unattractive?

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You're going to get varied opinions on this, for sure. I know my friends and I all have different takes.


I prefer a hairy chest. It looks very masculine to me, and I love to bury my face in my boyfriend's chest! If he shaved it, that would look and feel weird.

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You will definitely get varied opinions on this! I know of women whom just can't stand any body hair on a guy at all.


Not me though!


Personally, I like a bit of hair on a man's chest....just my preference. Not a bear suit, but a bit of it! It is very masculine and sexy to me. Sometimes my bf shaves it, and I find that attractive too in that it's smooth and kind of neat, but when he is hairier, it to me is just very strong, masculine and a turn on for me.


I like when he is a bit stubbly too on his beard, like when we are camping...that rugged look is good and oh so sexy. But it scratches my face up so kinda voids the point, so for that, I DO prefer it smooth and so I do love when he shaves as I can kiss him a LOT more!

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I've never been with anyone with a hairy chest and that is just a stroke of luck. My preference is based solely on my experience though if I dated a guy with a hairy chest I'm sure it could change. Shaving would be okay as long as there isn't stubble. I HATE stubble. And I'm not sure if this applies but guys who shave their arm pits.. Ewwie.

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I'm not into a lot of hair on a guy's chest. I wouldn't mind some though. I don't think it's unattractive to have hair.. just not tons and tons of it.


However, I don't really like a lot of facial hair either. But I love the stubbly look.


Basically, you should just keep it the way it is. Or the way you like it. If a girl really loves you, she's not going to leave you just because you have hair on your chest.

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Mostly the men I have been with have had hair on their chest some more than others. I like it either way. When there is hair and they where cologne.. MMMM smells so good and like Scout said you can bury yourself into his chest. If he has no hair that is fine too.


Hair is Hair right? Now whiskers are a different story. It scratches up my face and then I look like Bozo th clown. Red all around my mouth. OUCH!!

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I don't like a ton of hair on a guy's chest but a little doesn't bother me. I also don't think I'd like it if my guy shaved it all off...too unnatural or something. But if you have a bear suit going on...I'd say wax not shave then u deal with less stuble, which is what is the weird part about shaving I think.

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Personaly I dont mind hairy chests. if its extremely thick and dark that could be a slight turn off. But I wouldnt worry about it. I recently liked a guy with a rather hairy chest and it didnt bother me... actually sometimes when I'm attracted to someone I like the little flaws and think theyre cute. After all, someone who's completely perfect would be boring.


If a girl likes you she'll see past it, if shes attracted to your face, eyes, personality etc. she probably wont even care about the chest.


But if you are really bothered by it you should wax instead of shave. Although it may be painful at first, it lasts longer and doesnt have the * * * * *ly effect shaving does.


hope this helps

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One thing is for sure, I would never be attracted to a man who shaved his chest hair.


Now that you mention it, I am a little suspicious of men who spend more time/money on personal grooming than I do.


I give my husband crap about the $10/bottle hair gel he uses.

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