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If only I had seen a child therapist early in life, I might have gotten the assistance I needed to help me adjust better and find the right creative outlets for my energy.


This is true for me as well. I actually starting demonstrating that i was having problems when I was young, but my mother refused to take me to see a psychologist, assuming it was just a phase I guess.


I was being teased and tormented at school, I was dealing with larger issues at home, etc. I really believe that if I had been assessed earlier on, they could have intervened and ultimately made a huge difference in the suffering I was experiencing at this time.

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Take your child to a play therapist. They work wonders with kids, identify problems and help fix it. There is nothing wrong with your child, he's just having a hard time dealing with issues and emotions and I'm very sure some of it relates to him not having his dad around. Nothing of this is your fault, he just needs to learn how to express his anger, feelings and worries. A play therapist is the best thing for your child!

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