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How do older men look at young women?


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Hey, lighten up!

I just wanted to hear other peoples' opinion and perhaps modify my own.

My intention was not to touch on feminism or any other 'big' issues.


Sorry if I sounded aggressive.

I didn't want to change the world, just to understand it a little bit better.


No I think it was a few who just didnt understand your simple question... Unfortunately comes with the territory here on ENA..

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No, not bad. I was getting touchy-feely here instead of logical.

My bad.


I'm not after young women, just trying to offer up an old man's persective through my cataracts and bifocals.


Flame suit off.

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No, not bad. I was getting touchy-feely here instead of logical.

My bad.


I'm not after young women, just trying to offer up an old man's persective through my cataracts and bifocals.


Flame suit off.

So, if I understood the rules correctly, now would be a good time to attack!

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Dako bore the brunt, to the rescue.


The following is from that thread:


I refer to young girls with an much older man yokingly as his ADSE Anti Depressant with Special side Effects.


I have been with much younger girls and like to give you a bit of perspective.


Many older men like young girls beyond sex (as sex with more mature women is likely better) like a special child. Them like to care and grow and pamper this child.


Older men also have specific demands on their child, probably most importantly do not be as difficult as the ex.


Older men are also dominant and tough, you hot he cold. Serious!


In summary, unless you are after material benefits, stay away from an older man.

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Dako bore the brunt, to the rescue.


The following is from that thread:


I refer to young girls with an much older man yokingly as his ADSE Anti Depressant with Special side Effects.


I have been with much younger girls and like to give you a bit of perspective.


Many older men like young girls beyond sex (as sex with more mature women is likely better) like a special child. Them like to care and grow and pamper this child.


Older men also have specific demands on their child, probably most importantly do not be as difficult as the ex.


Older men are also dominant and tough, you hot he cold. Serious!


In summary, unless you are after material benefits, stay away from an older man.



One word,


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Although, I can’t say I’ve ever seen a 50 years old woman looking at 18 year old boy, saying she’s admiring his sexual attractiveness.


But that might be just me...

OK after she trained him well.


My first time was when 23, she 43.


When 33 I was with an attractive 63 year old lady. She aunt of my ex.

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Dako bore the brunt, to the rescue.


The following is from that thread:


I refer to young girls with an much older man yokingly as his ADSE Anti Depressant with Special side Effects.


I have been with much younger girls and like to give you a bit of perspective.


Many older men like young girls beyond sex (as sex with more mature women is likely better) like a special child. Them like to care and grow and pamper this child.


Older men also have specific demands on their child, probably most importantly do not be as difficult as the ex.


Older men are also dominant and tough, you hot he cold. Serious!


In summary, unless you are after material benefits, stay away from an older man.

Why does it not shock me that you live in Asia?

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Have you ever seen the movie "Shocking Asia?" Enough said!!

No, besides that I am around here for 22+ years.


And, I hardly got started.


My post was not related to Asia@stereotypes, but rather to the thread I linked which is a common situation of age-gap longer-term relationships.

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One word,


I agree, I like older men, but I'm sure as heck not going to date someone who sees me like a child. The reason that most women like men older than themselves is due to the level of development as an person. They are more aware of who they are and are not usually driven by a stupid youthful sense to prove their manliness at every turn. They're stable and usually more reliable and responsible.

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... They're stable and usually more reliable and responsible.

In a way yes, which is good, but them are 100 times as complex as you as well.


I posted the scenario to give more perspective. Also please read the thread I linked. Sometimes you may notice.

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I agree, I like older men, but I'm sure as heck not going to date someone who sees me like a child. The reason that most women like men older than themselves is due to the level of development as an person. They are more aware of who they are and are not usually driven by a stupid youthful sense to prove their manliness at every turn. They're stable and usually more reliable and responsible.


I concur CB!!!! I dont want a dad I want an equal partner....

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I concur CB!!!! I dont want a dad I want an equal partner....

Absolutely, sensible man wants equal partner. That's difficult. But he knows too much and having made plenty of wrong choices in his long life.


He tries to "shape" the equal partner from the child up. Does not work though. Child grows up, becomes independent...


It's a nice dream for him...


... And a nightmare for the girl.

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Absolutely, sensible man wants equal partner. That's difficult. But he knows too much and having made plenty of wrong choices in his long life.


He tries to "shape" the equal partner from the child up. Does not work though. Child grows up, becomes independent...


It's a nice dream for him...


... And a nightmare for the girl.


Good grief do YOU even know what your talking about??? Nothing you are saying makes a bit of sense. Serioulsy can I ask if English is a second language for you?


I dont want anyone shaping or molding me. I am a work of MY own creation and not anyone elses....

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In a way yes, which is good, but them are 100 times as complex as you as well.







Experience, TheRedQueen, just experience, nothing more, nothing less.


Have you read the thread I posted my comment in?

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