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Misanthropes need love too

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I'm none too fond of my fellow man in practice, although I like the idea in theory.


Humanity is great....as long as they leave me the hell alone. This requires them to do nothing, but can they manage that? Are you kidding? Of course not.


Strangely enough there are people of various gender persuasions who find that dour outlook interesting/intriguing/amusing. My husband finds my "bad attitude" charming. I find his basic mistrust of 95% of the population quite attractive.


If I can manage to cobble together a functional-on-most-days relationship, there's hope for you, too.

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LOL, if I was angry I would be writing all in capital letters. I was just answering your question. Cuz see sometimes it's really the person fault if they die lonely without any experience, they weren't putting forth the effort to interact and do things they enjoy, instead they just lay there complaining and do nothing.

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i find misanthropy and misogyny both to be convoluted paradigms in their extreme forms. the more i experience what i don't like in women, the more i come to terms with what i really want. thus, my search for a compatible partner is refined and narrowed.



Is there a man-hating word equivalent to the women-hating word, misogyny?

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