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LOL, relations are like forums!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I know it's a crazy analogy but it's true in a way. With forums, you post about your concerns and problems and people write you back, then there are a very few of them that never got any responses. Same for relations, some had as many as 4 different relations, others 2 or only 1, then comes the very few that no one ever pay attention and they die single and miserable wishing how it would have been if they had been in a relation, if someone would have ask them out or kiss them.


With forums, almost every one of them get responses, very few get none. In the later concept, most people get into relations, only few will die single and virgin.

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The people I know that you describe... those that die a lonely death, choose to do so. I know people who will never marry or date or kiss or share an intimate bond with another human being.. it's because they choose it.

For those that hope and dream and are too shy to get out there, yes.. it's a shame.

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You are around here for a while. You have seen a lot.


I know you got controlling parents, but still your primary problem is that you play sitting duck nstead of doing something to strengthen yourself.


BTW, be proud you did not throw yourself away.


Your prince will come.


P.S. You know what W. Churchill said - what did he say?

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Actually I did had a relation if you read on my other threads, had been kiss and make out. However it had to be ended shortly after a week when I found out he was a drug addict and a into gangs as a kid, thus I had to dump him (not very good qualities). But I'm still virgin and all I felt was infatuation and never fallen in love.


Still i dunno if whether i can even call this a relation, thought I had accepted him as b/f, it felt more like casual dating.






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Actually I did had a relation if you read on my other threads, had been kiss and make out. However it had to be ended shortly after a week when I found out he was a drug addict and a into gangs as a kid (not very good qualities). But I'm stil virgin and all I flet was infatuation.

No problem, don't fret, move on, next.


Just meet and talk, sometimes make out, kiss, nothing serious, just excercise before you all rusty

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Yea, I'm not a negative person, that's for sure. You're walking on the streets when you fall, simple just stand up, smile and keep going on. I just dedicated this to all those who ever even felt like what it was liek to date, esp. to a guy with bad luck. And well now I have yet another infatulation with this guy online I sometimes talk to, he's in both my yahoo im and on myspace and I wish he would come here to Miami, but he's broken. That's one who doesn't seem to be talking directly dirty like some will, we just chat for hours. Only I dunno if he feels the same, it would sad for him to say "Just friends, when I'm kinda little more (well to yall the truth, I'm expecting him to come and date, then relation).

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Yea, I'm not a negative person, that's for sure. You're walking on the streets when you fall, simple just stand up, smile and keep going on. I just dedicated this to all those who ever even felt like what it was liek to date, esp. to a guy with bad luck. And well now I have yet another infatulation with this guy online I sometimes talk to, he's in both my yahoo im and on myspace and I wish he would come here to Miami, but he's broken. That's one who doesn't seem to be talking directly dirty like some will, we just chat for hours. Only I dunno if he feels the same, it would sad for him to say "Just friends, when I'm kinda little more (well to yall the truth, I'm expecting him to come and date, then relation).

I know you are a good person, a bit insecure. When chatting, cut any guy talking dirty and bann him.


Dont think too much of any one guy until you have experienced talking to several. Talk to a few guys, no problem. Make friends.


You want to excercise.


No rush, no inaction.

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