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Do Guys Always Talk Like This!???


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Hey Everybody,


Hopefully you guys can help me out here.


Today, I was out in the parking lot & this hot guy was sitting in his car having lunch (102 deg) so I ventured to ask if he was warm enuf? (honestly didn't know who he was). Well, my ex came out after the guy & I had been talking a few mins (turns out t be his best male friend). From what I gathered the guy was waiting around for ex to get off work so they could go golf together. Ex proceeded to belittle & humorously refer to "the guy" as a p*ssy & various other durogatory names which included the f- prefix. (all of which made me blush) The guy took it all in stride.


Just curious...do guys always talk like this? Or was this just put on for my presense? btw, found out the guys nice but very married.

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Nice guys don't talk or act that way. He was being disrespectful to you and his "friend". In fact, I don't think he was treating the guy like a friend at all, IMO.


That was very unacceptable behavior.


However, you don't have to care because the one guy is married and other other is your ex. So forget about it and move on.


Be glad you're not with the ex anymore. Lucky you.

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It also has a lot to too with how close the males are. If two males are good friends then they can sometimes taunt each other in a joking way. I've often joked around with male friends in that fashion, swearing can also be a part of it.


On the issue of maturity, some of us have the view that being immature every now and then keeps you young. I often talk and act in an immature way mostly to relieve stress from my more serious activities.

That being said I pick my moments, if I'm at work and in the presense of people higher up then I act mature and sensibly and would NEVER swear in their presense.


I don't think there's anything wrong with what he said, if they are good friends then they probably do it to each other all the time.


Put it this way, it's how they show affection for each other in a macho male way!

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Yeah, a lot of fellow men seem to lose their respect for other men when there's a woman involved. I have no hope with the ladies, so I tend to be much more humble than jerks that call other men various offensive names because there's a woman involved... well, hey at least I had that one positive thing to tell myself.

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