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This would mean the would to me if you could help me out.

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Please dont think im crazy but i was on myspace yesterday. And say this beautiful girl. And she died recently. A really painful death. I just would love to know if there is a way to contact the dead?

And if so how?

I dont know her but I feel like i knew her all my life!

I would do any thing to go back in time so none of this EVER! happened..

I just wish I could just talk to her. My mom tell me not to mettle aroud with the dead. But Im willing to resk my life to talk to her....

R.I.P Anna

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I agree with your mother.


Don't try to open a door to something you have no idea about. You don't know her, you don't know what would come of it, and you would not know how to close that door if you got it opened.


Please leave it alone.

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I do not think there is a way to contact the dead. Never tried it and never plan to.


I really do not understand why you are so determined to talk to some one that you did not even now. What is drawing you to her and the desire to contact. It really makes no sense in my opinion. You have not given much background on why you are so determined.


I think this would be best left alone.

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I agree with your mother.


Don't try to open a door to something you have no idea about. You don't know her, you don't know what would come of it, and you would not know how to close that door if you got it opened.


Please leave it alone.


I agree.

listen to your mom. If the door is meant to be opened it would be open. It's not. there is a reson for that.


Am I understanding this right? You're willing to risk your life to dable in something you know nothing of. In order to talk to a girl you don't know.

what would you even talk about that is worth your life??

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You can't talk to the dead. And you won't die trying, you'll just throw away a lot of money.


Seriously, you can't talk to the dead. There's no way. I can't emphasize this enough. Look for someone in the real world to talk to.

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I feel like I knew her all my life.

You know how sometimes you feel like you knew someone all your life but its to late?

Well thats how i feel...

ive been lookin up some stuff and it looks like scryin in a black mirror works so ill see if it works..

And it never hurts to try sometin..

Like most people say wonder what its like after death well we will see

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I feel like I knew her all my life.

You know how sometimes you feel like you knew someone all your life but its to late?

Well thats how i feel...

Just from looking at her myspace page?


Well, good luck, I guess.

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I feel like I knew her all my life.

You know how sometimes you feel like you knew someone all your life but its to late?

Well thats how i feel...

ive been lookin up some stuff and it looks like scryin in a black mirror works so ill see if it works..

And it never hurts to try sometin..

Like most people say wonder what its like after death well we will see:


sometimes it does hurt to try new things, depending on what it is your trying. To deal with the spiritual world, I believe is one of those thing that can hurt & doors can be opened.

You're right, It is to late, she's dead now.... but if what you say is true maybe in the afterlife you will meet her.

If it was meant to be sooner than that, it would have been

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It sounds as if you are somewhat lonely, or perhaps searching for something. I can't tell you how many times I saw someone on a bus or a train and wondered what it would be like to spend the rest of my life with them. Like everything else, it is merely infatuation. It is your brain responding to a larger, but perhaps less obvious, need. There is a great quote from the film Citizen Kane that you might find of interest:


A fellow will remember a lot of things you wouldn't think he'd remember. You take me. One day, back in 1896, I was crossing over to Jersey on the ferry, and as we pulled out, there was another ferry pulling in, and on it there was a girl waiting to get off. A white dress she had on. She was carrying a white parasol. I only saw her for one second. She didn't see me at all, but I'll bet a month hasn't gone by since that I haven't thought of that girl.


That is infatuation.


As for communicating with the dead, I am not convinced that it's impossible, but others who have posted here may be right when they say that it's a door you might want not to open. Also, you are fifteen. Messing around with such practices, regardless of their merit (or not), is NOT something you want to pursue right now.


Personally, I am as curious as the next person, but I'm in a weird place right now and have taken to recklessness. You have your entire life ahead of you. Live in the real world with the living, wish this person you saw a peaceful afterlife, and move on. You will find much more satisfaction in discovering what is missing from your life than grieving for the dead.

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very well said doctor


Thank you flower99.


Also (this is for xoxevanescencexox), you read about this person on a Myspace page. ANY fool could have set up that page and invented any story they like for the purpose of messing with other people. Or it may be someone simply looking for attention. You may want to visit link removed to read about similar hoaxes, if indeed that page is a hoax. It's an unfortunate fact, but the Web has no toll gates, and so anyone can play. Be careful out there.

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Thanks Flower99!! That article was everything I was thinking. Here's a highlight to consider...


"There is a further distinction to be made, between those who are actually grieving for Anna (her closest friends) and those grieving for someone, or something, else entirely. The Civitas report claims that in making these false connections with strangers, people are actually grieving for a sadness inside themselves and attaching these feelings to a well-known face or event."

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I kind of browsed around the tribute Myspace.


To tell you the truth, I didn't really become inspired to talk to her....

Sure, I feel bad for the girl, but I don't think anyone can claim that they know the girl just by reading some text in an "about me" box. Not trying to be rude, I just think it's kind of strange that you want to talk to a girl just because you read something about her. Possible? Maybe. Infatuation? Most likely.

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I think that there are definitely some paranormal things that happen. Like when the dead send messages back to the living. After my dad died, some very strange things happened around my house, that seemed like it could have been him doing it.


Just recently, I was reading a story on MSNBC I think, about a woman whose son died in Iraq recently. He was in the military. 11 years ago, he was in summer camp, and threw a message in a bottle into a huge lake. Just after his death, the bottle resurfaced, and it said, "Hi - My name is xxxx and I am 10 years old. If you get this, tell my parents I say hi."


but... you don't know this girl. I'm not sure how much the dead really communicate with people they don't know. these strange things usually happen to family members and close friends.


why don't you go to church and say a prayer for her?

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Thanks Flower99!! That article was everything I was thinking. Here's a highlight to consider...


"There is a further distinction to be made, between those who are actually grieving for Anna (her closest friends) and those grieving for someone, or something, else entirely. The Civitas report claims that in making these false connections with strangers, people are actually grieving for a sadness inside themselves and attaching these feelings to a well-known face or event."


No problem

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Totally agree with Annie, I don't think there's really any way to communicate with those which have died. I can imagine how you feel towards this girl, but I don't think you can do anything more than say a prayer for her.

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Years ago I became involved in several things that I wouldn't go near today!You can open doors that you have no idea on how to close and wanting to dabble with this by yourself without a clue on what your doing is very careless! Regardless of what we tell you you are going to do it anyway, all I have to say is be prepared to experience things that you didn't think existed and if your asking for it to happen you better not be a person who gets scared easily!


And... sense you are not experienced, when you open that door you have no idea how to shut it so I hope you are willing to live with the outcome whether you like it or not cause it's there to stay until you can find someone to shut the door (the mess) to what you opened!


When you open a porthole you never know what you will be talking/interacting with either, most likely demons! You are not able to speak to this girl she has crossed over!

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