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Ode to the Owl


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The mighty gray owl sat atop the old pine tree

He was once a noble creature

Now he is only a memory


Ruler of the night

Why are you starving?

Where is your prey?

Have you lost your strong grip?


The owl no longer controls the darkness

There is no movement among the branches

No glorious swooping

He became silent and still


The pine tree crashed to the ground

All he has ever known,

His haven, his throne

Is gone.



I wrote this for the beautiful owl that used to live near my home. The sound of him whooing used to be my lullaby at night. Once in a while, I'd be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of his beauty. That was before my neighbors decided to take down the huge old pine tree he lived in and drove him away. When I heard the loud sawing- it made me sick. I hope the owl has found a new home, as lovely as he was.




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