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Lemonade over Dreams


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This one I just whipped up. What is differant from this was I didn't get any prior ideas - I just started writing. Which means it can have a couple of differant meanings. I didn't try and make a smart intelligent poem with good words, cool rhimes and meanings - I just wrote.


My idea of this is I picture this as just a young girl maybe seven or so who has so little to care about, she's just an insignificant little kid. Considering the fact we have terrorism and racism and all of these bad things that shape our world, she's just a small kid making ends meet. Proof of this is she has left her dreams and troubles behind to just buy a ham sandwhich and a two buck lemonade. It's a big world for a small kid.




She has her secrets

They're pretty dangerous things

She's got her tantrums

Her anger

Her midnight meetings


Those shoes, that hair

That tangled hair

Her lipstick, the eyeliner

Those nightmares


A coffee shop to live by

Her lemonade-stand to hire

Scribble-me notepads

And dreams on fire


Pitch black mascara

Whispers and voices

An evening picnic in the park

So many choices


A big world, the small kid

With fewer worries in mind

World in her hands

She's left her dreams behind


For a ham sandwhich and -

- And a two buck lemonade





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Good poem.


You have some nice little gems in their.


She has her secrets

They're pretty dangerous things


Those shoes, that hair

That tangled hair


Her lemonade-stand to hire

Scribble-me notepads


I think sometimes the less you focus on the words and the point of what a poem will be, the more naturally it flows.




just a note.. don't explain any of your poems... it is all up to the reader to interpert.

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