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I think i'm thinking too much..maybe.


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I have been looking around the net for advice sites and stuff like that...it makes me feel kinda stupid but heck, knowledge is the key to success, if you don't know anything, how are you meant to utilize that knowledge.....blah...

Anyway..I do not wish to say any names, even the location, as it would be pretty bad if someone i know looked for my name or her name or something and this site popped up with the situation that is familiar.



I'm an 18 yr old male, I do martial arts, and she is a 28yr old, very VERY attractive..as in she looks like she is 22 or something...she also has a daughter that does martial arts (very young of course).


I don't think the 28yr old is married, as i never see her come to martial arts with anyone...same with a boyfriend...i think she is separated and has been for a while.


OK..now..to how it all started.

I took up a job at the martial arts centre and i go in there twice a week to clean. I have a lesson before i clean though, and this is where her and I started getting to know each other (we knew each other before..but not very much at all).

After a few weeks, I can't remember back that far, but we started becoming friends i guess, and well...i don't really remember day to day events, but I can recount the things I have really taking notice of.

First thing was we were doing a class one night and we'd been muckin around all class...i guess flirting as it was fun, making each other laugh etc, and at the end of the class when we were doing stretches, she went out into the splits pushed the hips forward, closed her eyes, parted the mouth, pushed her chest forward and said "mmm, it hurts....but it feels good" then stopped the splits..looked at me, and i kinda froze up looking away straight away.


Anyway...that could of been nothing.


Another thing, which happened more recently, i was cleaning, and she came in while i was cleaning with 2 stick weapons (not going to mention names) she put foam around them as she had to do a demonstration for her next belt grading, and well...i was kinda bending over behind some shelves to pick up something and she came around behind me and sneakily spanked me on the butt and cracked up laughing...i took it as a joke..i mean, it is very very tempting to do that...but later on...she was talkin to the other guy that was there (who has a gf and is 21) and he was walkin away to do somethin else..then she hit the sticks together and said "come here it's time for your spanking, hehe"...which i also took as a joke...but i couldnt get the grin off my face afterwards, lol...i was kindof annoyed because here I am trying to work and she does that and makes me start thinking even more about her..just great, lol...well it was.


That also could be nothing.


One thing i noticed a few weeks ago, about 2 weeks ago, we have this special class for people who wish to start teaching classes themselves, and she recently came into that...anyway..usually i've noticed that she will try to leave at the same time i do, so if i get changed before her..she will be very quick getting changed, however, if it's the other way around, she'll take longer, and if she leaves before me, then she'll walk very slowly, fiddle with her mobile, or bag or do something UNTIL i catch up with her...and then she walks at my pace, and we have a bit of a conversation..not very long at all.


This one night, 2 weeks ago, i had to get kept in because we had been tested on something and i did really well, so i had to learn a more advanced version of what we were tested on..which took about 30mins...everyone else had left the place and she was last...but she didnt leave, she went and got changed as usual, then came out...taking her time...she looked over at me and the 21 yr old (he was teaching me the thing) and she then got a folder and papers out of her bag and laid down to study or something...as i finished up, she did aswell..i thought she was goin out with the 21 yr old and his gf, but...nope, she hardly spoke to them at all, even when asked why she was still there...anyway..she packed up her stuff, then my brother arrived, he asked if i was ready to get going (I can't drive yet ..still on my L plates) and she all of a sudden kinda stepped up the pace of leaving..and so on the way out she kinda put her hand in my hair and scruffed it up saying cya..then she left...


That...well...i dunno what to think about that...


During the special class, she ALWAYS sits next to me...even if there are already ppl next to me, she will ask them nicely to let her sit in the spot, and she'll sit next to me.

Nearly every class she has sat next to me, and she always touches me in some way...like whiping a bit of tape on my knee, or poking me in the side..kinda childlike friendly behaviour...


The other day, in an afternoon class, she came in, and i was talkin to another girl and the 21 yr old friend of mine, (same guy as before)...the 28yr old got changed, and came out to stretch in the warm up area...she didnt come out into the main training area yet...so after i finished talking to the other girl and the 21yr old went to get changed, i said "how are you miss " and she replied with "oooh, i'm good...gosh, you are becoming more and more like "...I didn't know what to say, and the 21yr old is a pretty cool guy, teaches all the classes nearly, and yeah, just a very good and helpful friend, everyone likes him in at martial arts...so I didn't really know what to say as a reply, and now..for some reason i can't remember what i said...i think i asked what she meant, but she kindof ignored me there and changed topic as she walked over from the warm up area to me and the other girl.


Anyway...that same afternoon, when i was cleaning...she was standing around with the girl and her friend and the 21 yr old as they were talking...but she wasnt talking...she kinda stood there listening...i was about 2-3 metres away, and she was behind a small storage cabinet thing where we put all our bags...her body was kindof turned away from me, but when i looked up after vaccumming she was looking my way...i was busy doing the cleaning, but when i had to stand up and look up again, i looked straight into her eyes, and she looked into mine for about 2 seconds...IF that at all..but it was longer than a glimpse...and it made me feel this huge rush through my body...i didnt smile..i felt silly for that....but i was more confused...i didnt know what to think..and i looked back down straight after that...I havent seen her since..and that was only this tuesday...i will probably see her tonight in a few hours time...It should be interesting to see what interesting things happen tonight...


I've spoken to alot of friends about this, who don't know her of course...and well...they all say go for it, ask her out, talk to her about it, and things like that...but I dunno...

If i ask her out..then it will be like saying "Yeah, ya know...I like you" if i tell her i like her..well thats the same thing just more upfront, and if i talk to her about my feelings..well, so is that, and all of those things could very well lead to the one thing I don't want to happen, and that is that she avoids me, tells the other adults about it in at the martial arts training place and thereforeeee creating a huge amount of embarrassment for me...which i just don't think I would be able to deal with.


I don't know what to do, and all i'm doing right now is constantly thinking about her, and kinda thinking about events like the ones above way too much..well i dunno if it's too much, but, i think about it alot, and have no idea what i should do, i don't know if any of the above mean anything, but if i told you about the rest of things such as a more indepth detailed story of the flirting we have going on, then you probably wont want to read this post at all. I am not chasing her either...no way am i chasing her...that ends with the edge of a cliff that i fall off, and the whole thing dies...I've been rejected by women/girls about 50 times already, I am a kindof shy person, but i can easily change...i just have very good self control over those things...rejection is not what i am afraid of here....it is what happens after rejection that i am afraid of...and even so...if her and I did start anything (i'd think it would probably only be sex, because I really don't see why she would want me...I can't drive, I don't have a proper paying job, I ..have nothing..except myself...but maybe she only wants me for me...i don't know, and that is why i am so confused)..so yeah..if her and I started anything..and anybody in at the martial arts place found out...I don't think this would happen, but people would definitely change their views on her, and probably think of her as that...craddle snatcher or whatever you call it, which is wrong...some of the people I have spoke to , say she probably just wants a toy boy...but i reckon that just sounds silly, as good as that may be.


I have utmost respect for the women i like and ...well, everyone that i know really, except for those who don't respect me, and treat me like dirt.

So I am by far, not a sleeze or anything...i'm just an 18 yr old..not fat, not super skinny, but i am slim..i don't have much muscle on me...i dont' really care how i look (I do, but i don't dwell on my appearance if you know what i mean), because if a woman only looks at me for my looks...she isn't worth it.


I used to be a guy who wanted a relationship, and I guess i still do, but in this case, i only think about her sexually...there is a girl i still like after not seeing her for a while, and i could see her and I have a relationship...if she wasn't under the control of one of her control freak friends (who is just an utter arsehole).


Ah! i have gone on quite a bit havent I...well, I'll stop soon...my mind...well it's complex, more than most people and their minds, so...I think too much as you can see, and thereforeeee write alot...my apologies.


Thankyou in advance for any help offered, or any response at all, I greatly appreciate it, cheers

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Oh my god, long post.


ALL you can do is just ask her out. If all you want is sex, well you might think twice since she has a kid. Sounds like you're both interested in each other, so you might as well find out. You can TALK to her ... ask if she wants to get coffee after your class then see if you have something to talk about.

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hehe, yeah sorry about the long post...she is very...well, bubbly kinda person, has alot of spunk to her...which i forgot to say...she isn't a shy person.


Thanks for your quick response..i'm not in a crisis here, but yeah it would be good to get a little advice on the situation as it's just so darn confusing...I don't ONLY want sex...but i can't possibly see her and me in a proper relationship with us going out and stuff...I mean..it COULD work...but i just can't picture it...i guess thats probably something i'd have to bring up to her about if her and I did get together.


Anyhow..I will see what happens tonight, I'll try and get a little bit more time to talk to her..however, I doubt that i will bring up anything about us being together or anything...i'm trying to think of ways to get on the topic of relationships with her...but i guess the more i think about conversations, the more i expect, and the more can go wrong..so i tend to stay clear of thinking about that.


Thing is...like i said, it's not rejection i'm afraid of, it's what comes after rejection, and that is pretty much not being able to do the same things we do now again...If something is clearly outstanding to me, like a really obvious sign, I think I'll just wait until the right time to talk to her about it...but yeah...still not sure ](*,)


Ahwell..i have to go pretty soon...I shall write about anything that happens tonight...if anything happens at all.


Thanks again for your response, I appreciate it.


Oh..btw, do you think it's weird that i like her considering she is a 28yr old MOTHER.

I'm also not too sure about that either..I mean, it feels kinda strange, that's all.

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then I couldn't take it any more.


From the first half that I did read, my first thought it is "What does this woman have to do to get your attention?!?!" Snap out of it dude! OK. Got that out of my system.


I very much relate to your story because when I was 23 I was weight lifting in the college gym... There was a very attractive woman in her 30s there. She was wearing spandex top and bottom. That's more than a young guy can handle seeing, if you know what I mean. Normally, I'd be to shy to look, but she was looking the other direction while stretching (doing the splits, gulp). Apparently she has eyes in the back of her head because she got up came straight over to me (I'm now looking other way as casually as possible) and tells me very angrily not to look at her again. She says she hates when guys do that. I meekly apologize and I'm humiliated in front of everyone.


A few months later she needs a bench press spotter and I'm the only one in the room at the time. I think she hates me, but I don't want to let her get hurt for lack of a spotter (she's stalling out). So I offer to help. She declines. Then I told her that I insist because I'd feel really bad if she got hurt. She accepts. Then we become friends and weight lifting partners for several months.


I find out she is a 3rd degree black belt in Karate and womens' state middle weight 3rd place in full contact Karate. i.e. - number two contender in an unnamed state. Yipes!


She started doing all sorts of flirty things just like you describe. It started innocently with mutual backrubs (clothes on) because we were sore from lifting. Well, I was sore. She said she was. That broke the touch barrier. After that I was comfortable with backrubs and hugs. All seem non-sexual to me and I was afraid to have a sexual thought about her because I didn't want her getting angry like when we first met.


However, she started patting my butt while hugging me. Sound familiar? I remember thinking, "What's that about?"


She used to get erect nipples in her spandex top when I was around. I couldn't help noticing while being her spotter and such. Normally, not even I could be this dense about a woman, but I wasn't sure since she'd got mad just for looking when we'd first met. Also, I was a virgin so I was also clueless for that reason too.


She kept escalating the flirting and touching until she finally said to me, "Can't you tell I want you?" Actually, no I couldn't tell since I'd been forbidden to look at her when we first met. However, we ended up dating for quite a long time.


She was the best girlfriend I've ever had. She was rather aggressive, but in a nice way.


Sounds much like the woman you describe, except your age-gap is less. In my limited experience, the athletic babes are aggressive, especially if in their late 20s or anywhere in their 30s. Throw in the ability to break boards with her hands and feet and she's now hypersexually aggressive. She ought to be a perfect match for a young, athletic guy your age. ;-)


If you keep acting shy about it, she'll probably ask you out eventually, or maybe not. Why don't you ask her? Are you that shy? If so, not to worry because I'll bet she asks you eventually.


If you ask her, I'll bet you she'll say "Yes. What took you so long?"


or maybe I'm wrong and she'll give you the worst beating of your life. Just kidding. Even if she says no thanks, she won't be angry, if you ask her in a polite, gentlemanly way.

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at first i was a little skeptical of your post, but I did enjoy the read, and thankyou for your advice, I don't take offence to you saying snap out of it, because i keep trying to tell myself the same thing over and over again, lol.


Nothing much happened tonight...i guess my mind was somewhere else..i felt kinda blank today...which is strange for friday's.


Anyway...The only thing I really noticed tonight was that i screwed up alot in class..not deliberately, just my techniques and stuff, due to joint injuries (which was why i was tired from going to the doctors very early in the morning , resulting in very little sleep), well...along with that whenever i DID screw up, she would be looking at me...such as doing pattern work, and she'd have to go to the back and do other patterns, I'd do a technique in the pattern that turns to the back or something, and i'd see that she is looking at me, and me only....


Tonight was stupid, very stupid of me, because It's like i'm trying to push myself away from her, avoiding her without reason i guess....I don't wanna do that, just because i like her, and am confused about it...it doesnt mean i don't treat her like a friend anymore...

We did talk tonight but not really in private, and before i left, she was lookin at me again...I always catch her out, .


Thanks for the advice again.

One thing that I have noticed is this. From what started fairly flirty and stuff, has kindof died off a bit, i'm feeling a little crap about that, because i really enjoy the flirting we do in classes, before classes and after classes..it's friendly, it's fun, not harmful, and i think the only reason it has died off is because i'm not appearing as friendly and open as i was...I guess i've been more quiet lately.


I really shouldnt type when i'm tired, as i tend to go on...but another weekend goes by..where i miss seeing her , I have her mobile phone number, but i asked for that with a different reason other than JUST TO ASK HER (i'm not shouting..i'm just emphasising that).


I could go on and on, and I think I have already done so...but...the things you asked about, and why she keeps my attention.


1. I have so much fun with her when her and me talk, we laugh, and smile and sometimes she would say little things that i would consider sexual such as when we have a drink break, she has said something like she likes guys who sweat.. or something, or it was some comment about sweat that sounded like she was referring to hot sweaty bodies...anyway, lol, nvm that.


2. VERY VERY attractive, uuuh, ok, if you got a picture of Nikki Webster (just google it and you might find some photo shoots), who is a 19 year Australian singer (I am australian i forgot to mention), then imagine that the long blonde hair was short shoulder length black hair, and the actual figure was shorter..that would probably be the best way to describe her, but...very model quality appearance. She has also been going to the gym lately aswell, and it is definitely showing...I shouldnt THINK about doing this and just do it, but compliment her on how she is looking since she went to the gym...not that she didnt look fantastic in the first place. I like women who look after their appearance...this may sound harsh, but I am really turned off by women who stuff their faces full of marshmellows and cheesles and say they are trying to lose weight when they really arent doing anything at all. I've liked an obese girl before..not large large, but kinda fat to put it bluntly, and i liked her because she was actually doing something about her appearance, now she is in great shape, and a much better person now.


3. Like i said before, she is very spunky and bubbly, her personality that is, and she always seems to be active i guess...


4. She treats me with respect...plain and simple, she doesnt seem to be the judgmental type of woman, and I'm a kinda skinny guy, alot of people comment on that, which i don't take too personally, but it does hurt a bit..she always makes her comments seem positive towards me though, and that's just really nice, makes me feel really good even on days like today that were miserable as heck (not just me...the weather aswell).


I have gone on a fair bit again, and I apologize, AGAIN, lol, but yeah...please do read if you wish to help...I've actually helped out MANY people in relationships, getting the woman they want, one of my more closer friends, I have actually helped her and her boyfriend with their sex life believe it or not...yet i'm a virgin, I've never had a girlfriend, I've never been in a relationship, and yet I can give all these people the right advice that works...yet i can't use my own advice for my own good...it's kinda sad ..but ahwell, one day i'll find that special woman...hopefully soon, this special woman and I come together...if not..then...ahwell.


OK that's it!, lol, i'll let you comment before i go on anymore, lol...does anybody think I should call her and..if so what should I do, because I don't know any other reason to call her, other than to ask her out, and I'd much rather ask a person out IN PERSON....just shows more guts/confidence i guess...rather than hiding behind a phone.

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I'm not making any promises that I'm right about anything I said. I'm only giving my opinions. i.e. - best guesses.


However, I think she likes you, but if you never flirted back, perhaps she gave up. Perhaps she thinks you don't like her that way. You do want her don't you? She doesn't know that, if you turned shy on her.


Even if she says, "No thanks", she won't be angry, if you ask her in a polite, sincere way. Perhaps the best thing is honesty. Tell her, "I like you, but I'm shy." Just say that and nothing else. Then wait for her to speak. Unless I miss my guess, she'll take it from there and all you have to do is cooperate a bit.


I was also a skinny guy (in a weight room with muscular guys). She preferred me. Eventually, I started getting muscular from lifting with her. She still preferred me. I think mainly because of how I treated her. Many women don't care about muscles or skinny. Some actually prefer skinny men. I'd say she either likes your build, or doesn't care about it and likes your personality. Either way, you apparently look fine to her.


It's also possible that her flirting was just harmless fun with no intent. That's not uncommon in women in late 20s and up because many of them are confident and feeling it. No harm in that. There's still no harm in asking her in a polite way, IMO. She's not likely to get upset because she's obviously a confident woman and it's a compliment to her to be asked (whether she's interested or not). Younger women are prone to freaking out over things. I've found that women her age are usually calm(er) about things.


Perhaps I should not give advice at all. Just take my experience at face value and learn anything you can from it.


I can't tell you what to do. What do I know? I'm shy (in face to face encounters) and just let the woman ask me out, which happens occasionally.


Perhaps it's best that you get advice from women, especially women around her age.


Best of luck, Charley




P.S. - Normally I read people's posts thoroughly (every word). However, your posts are a bit long. I only skimmed your highlights and main ideas. It's possible I could have missed some details.

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thanks heaps charley, that is some good advice you have there, IMO, any constructive advice is good advice, and if you are giving advice in the first place, I can tell you are a good person like many others here on these forums.


Last night...well...I wouldnt say I completely avoided her, like when i walked in i said "hey, how r ya" and she replied and asked me back, that was about it really...except for a little later when i sat down to talk to one of the other people who work there about some stuff on my joints as she suggested i get them checked out (i forget if i mentioned that i have some crappy joint problems from martial arts, and I was told i might have early arthritis, but not very likely..and yeah, i was told that fairly earlier in the morning, which got me thinking for the rest of the day..maybe that + being tired was making me kinda blank and unsociable...dunno.

Anyway, when i was sitting with the other person, the 28yr old came over to the person i was talkin to and pointed out the curls in her hair from the rain or something, then looked at me and jokingly said "and look at 's curly hair aswell" (that was said sarcastically, as I have VERY short hair at the moment) so we joked about that, then she kinda went back and sat down...(bit random, but means nothing...).


I noticed she was lookin at me whenever i went and got a drink aswell, cuz she was sitting down, watchin her daughter do her lesson and when i got a drink, i noticed she was lookin at me...which made me get paranoid for some reason as it was just one of those nights where the usual loud and happy me turns into a quiet, tense unconfident person...

On Tuesday, I'll be more lively again when i talk to her...I'm gonna try talkin to her more, because the last few weeks, it hasnt been as fun around her, as we used to always flirt and muck around, but now..it's dying off i guess...that would probably be, because of me being confused and a little shy around her, not wanting to screw up conversations or anything...as when i talk I tend get words mixed up alot, so yeah...people kinda go "HUH?" when i'm talking and do that.


I've asked some more people about the situation and they all say the same thing "ask her out" "she likes you" "she wants you" "do her" "talk to her about it" "tell her you like her" and things like that...the only person who has said something different is the person who responded before by saying "snap out of it" ...i dunno what he meant by that, but either he means snap out of it, she likes you, can't u see that, or snap out of it, you are thinkin way too much about her.


blah..ok, It's the weekend some people have said to call her and ask her out, but i dunno bout that, i'd rather ask her out at the right time (when we are both back to the flirtiness and fun we were having not long ago...so basically, when we are both fairly open in each others company, and i'll have to ask her when we are both together alone..which is usually when we finish up for the night)


Ok...that's me done again...I'll only really have anything new to say next time i see her or if i call her, which i probably won't do unless i have a proper and not so sus reason.

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doubtful and naive. No offense intended.


She obviously likes you. However, by this time she is probably having doubts that you like her in return. As a shy guy (in face to face encounters) I've had this same experience many times. She may have given up because she thinks you don't have those feelings back.


I'm to shy to ask women out, but I do manage to flirt back some, in some cases anyway. If I muster the courage to politely flirt back a little, then they know I am interested in return.


You seem more shy than I am. You are more than a little shy. You are a lot shy. Nothing to be ashamed of. Just how things are. You can still succeed.


My suggestion: to tell her that you like her, but are shy.


This because it's relatively safe, IMO. I've done this successfully a time or two myself. I've also been turned down (in a kind way) while using that approach.


The idea is that she'll know you like her, but also know you're shy, which will explain your prior behavior and future behavior. Then she can be patient with you while she takes the lead.


The worst thing that I could foresee happening is that she turns out to not be interested after all. If this is the case, she will probably be very kind in turning you down because you were polite to her and also because she'll know you are shy. Most women are kinder to shy men when they turn them down then they are to aggressive men.


So my advice to say, "I like you, but I'm shy." is fairly safe advice. It might also get you the girlfriend of your dreams. If not, then I think she'll still be friends with you the same as always.


Everything I said above is a "probably" based on my experiences. I don't make guarantees about anything. There are no guarantees in life. However, I think your risk is small, if you ask her right.


It's time to stop thinking and start doing. Just take the little step I suggested. It's only a tiny step, but it may work wonders for you. If you have the courage to try, you have the chance to succeed.


Good luck.

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haha, thanks for the advice, but i can talk to women easily, no problem at all, i can talk to women i like easily...just so long as they don't know i like them. If i tell a woman i like her and she doesnt like me or kinda avoids me, i don't feel shy, i feel paranoid, that if i go and talk to her, she'll just be thinking that i'm only talking to her so she can like me, not because i like talking to her..which is not true...


Anyway..that was the days of school...and meh, school was just ridiculous, a huge unnecessary bottle of stress for everyone to absorb.


I can easily talk to her, I feel calm and safe talking to her, I don't feel the need to get out of there as quick as possible, but last night i was just DIFFERENT to usual, that's all.

I can ask women out fairly easily, meaning i'm not shy, but what i don't like is the thought of the friendship being broken, because i have told a person i liked them or whatever...which is always what happens with me.

I tell the girl i like her, she is kindof surprised i guess...then, ever since that, they hardly talk to me or anything...it sucks, so i don't tell them that anymore...yes i know not all women are the same, and girls are different to women and women are more experienced in those situations aswell as alot more mature in handling those situations.

So yeah..i'm not shy, just afraid of losing something that was once had, I won't feel so unsure about asking her out or something if she makes an obvious sign that she likes me, and that of course would be when i actually take some action, but right now, i'm just gonna try and get to that point rather than asking her out..

Heck..i may get to that certain point on tuesday, I really hope that i could get to that point, I dunno what will happen, and what happens happens.


I'm going to try and lock eyes with her again, as it can easily convey feelings without saying anything..."the eyes are the gateways to our minds" i like to say...so i'll try that again...I feel right now, i need to do something to get her interest or attention, to get her thinking about me, i dunno what, and i dunno if she is even thinking about me at all..well, she probably is because she remembers things from the last time we saw each other and earlier, then brings those things back up in conversations so..hmm


ok..well...i might finish this post, and wait until someone replies again, once again, thanks for your reply, any reply that isn't abusive, or destructive will be taken as a positive reply and i thank anybody who does make those replies.


EDIT: I was just editing through my posts then for specific names etc, and i just noticed that you are the only one who is helpin me out...for some reason i thought there were several people with different opinions. Thanks HEAPS anyway Charley, I appreciate the advice and help you are giving, now i have read one of your posts properly, i now know the meaning of why you said to snap out of it, and you are right.

Anyhow i'll wait until the next post..and if nobody replies, I'll just edit this post later on if something HAS happened.

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Last night i was thinkin about something i could do to add a little surprise to whats goin on....i doubt she would be expecting me to do these things but...what i'm gonna do is either 1 of 2 things or both...these are the things i'm talkin about:


1. When i see her in at martial arts, I'll go over to her or whatever..just general conversation, and I'll just do the norm, which is say "hey, how r you" she will reply, then ask me like she always does, and I'll say i'm good, but sore, and that i really could do with a massage (HINT HINT )... I don't expect her to give me a massage, but she might...if not..then ahwell..maybe i'll try and hint a little more and joke about it...

she has given me a massage before which was really really good, it was just a shoulder massage, but i loved it, and well, i didnt ask for it or anything, she was kindof trying to get pressure points up around my neck and i said that it felt nice, and so she tried getting them a bit more and i just made out it felt good, so she then went on to do a massage rather than trying to give me pain.

If she starts giving me a massage i'll say that i have to return the favour sometime, as she's given me a massage twice already.

Anyway, Whatever I say, I say...i'm not thinking too much about what i'll say exactly...as i usually end up saying something different anyway.


2. Yeah yeah, i go over to her, say hey how r u, she responds, i say yeah i'm great thanks, then I'll ask her if she is still going to the gym, or ask her about her and the gym, she will either say yes or no, doesnt really matter, as either way i can say that she is looking great or something...I think i'll just be a little more subtle and say she's looking good, or really good. Or maybe say that the gym work is showing.


3. I can do the massage thing...if she massages me, I'll say that i have to return the favour sometime, then i'll go on to talk about the gym and if she is goin, then compliment her on that.


Yeah..i know...it sounds like I am EXPECTING things to go well (not expecting everything to go exactly how i want it to, otherwise things go wrong)...and heck...why not, better to be optomistic than pessemistic, i hope they go well, but i am not going to be all that bothered if they don't go so well (hehe i probably will be, but ahwell), but hey..the only thing that can go wrong is that she doesnt talk to me...the massage will be a bonus, but the gym compliment is inevitable unless she doesnt come to do the lesson in the afternoon.


So what do you think of those ideas?...i'm doing them regardless of what anybody thinks, as they are just friendly flirty things, and they will be UNEXPECTED to her...we all love unexpected events don't we, otherwise known as surprises....well we like GOOD surprises, bad ones just suck, lol, but yeah, what do you think? a compliment or two thrown in with a possible bonus of getting a really nice massage.

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BUH! I'm hopeless!


Ok, so i saw her today, i approached her, said hey, , but she said how r you before me, which i was afraid would happen...ahwell no big deal...but i said "goooood, but sore..." she looks at me and i say "ah, my shoulders and neck...yeah, just really really stiff and sore" and well i didnt sound very truthful, lol, it was like "ooh c'mon give me a massage pleease" she gave me a bottom lip look as in "poor baby" and well she said poor baby and laughed aswell..that's ok, she asked why, i said from weights, and then she was talking about her gym work and how she's started to slack off heaps...and


Well...I wanted to say that she is lookin good, BUT, I just didnt, i felt silly, i was trying to figure out when to say it without making it come out of the blue or sound out of place, and i ended up not complimenting her at all :S silly me, lol.


Anyway, I dunno, but she is nearly always looking at me, lol, it's good, but it's like "ooooo K....is my zipper undone or something...hellooo, are you staring at that big pimple thing on my cheek or what...why r u looking at me?"

I mainly notice it during classes, when i am having something demonstrated on me, she wont look at the demonstrator, she will look at me the whole time, where as everyone else is either looking at a wall, the ground or the demonstrator....


I think that when talking to her today, she realised i wasnt so scared to talk to her, WHICH IS GOOD, because last friday was like "bluuuuuuuuuuuuurgh" i was an unsociable zombie last friday...even though i socialized when she socialised with me.

Hopefully even though today didnt turn out as well as i planned (Because I was doubtful and knew i'd probably screw it up), it still wasnt bad, I didnt get to lock eyes, i didnt get my massage, i didnt get to compliment her, but we did flirt and socialize a little, which is always a good thing.


Right now I am thinking i want to call her because well...I just wanna call her, and yeah i wanna start going and doing running in the mornings, and she always goes running so i want to find out where she does her run so maybe her and I can run together or something, which would be great!


Ohwell..so today wasnt great, but there is still friday (I don't see her on thursday anymore for some reason) and, i MUST ABSOLUTELY do what i plan to do on friday, especially if she does want me, i mean...it's only asking her to come over to Glorea Jeans to get a hot drink and chat for a bit...that's all..but that's all i want, because then it gives her and I some time to talk and be relaxed at the same time...Some people are putting VERY hopeful ideas in my head, which i don't want to dwell on, because they are things like her dragging me to her car if i tell her how i feel and stuff like that, lol, NOT HAPPENING (as much as i'd like that to happen).


So friday is the night...and maybe i can call her...what do u think guys and gals...call her and ask where she goes for her runs and try and organize to run together or what?

I just hope she lives around where i live and not the other side of town, lol.

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