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Would this have to be address!!!!!!!!!

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Reason I'm mentioning this is cuz from quite a handful of post, almost everyone, esp. mostly women seems to be heartbroken (some people even cry over it) about cyber sex or phone sex. Now I'm wondering what if it's just a joke of yours for entertainment, that you never in fact planned to actually meet that person in real life nor have sex with them. Let's say, you're in a relation and sometimes you get online to talk dirty with this person, who you aren't taking it seriously and even give a fake name, then you just put then on ignore list.


I dunno, but the idea of being heartbroken cuz of cyber sex or talking dirty on phone and considering infidelity, seems way off to me. I always thought that cheating would be more of actually meeting the person, kissing, sex, or chatting with the person (with planning to actually meeting them for sex), but not random nonsense talk. Now if they were to put single on their profile then yea that would be weird, but flirting chatting enough to be crying about, isn't that too much??


Another reason I'm mentioning this, is cuz of that whole cam incidence. The dirty talk was interesting, still into it by the way (off course with no cam but my pic is still there). It's not like you're bringing germs, it's just virtual.

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Flirty chatting might not be enough to cry about but it would sure make many people insecure.


I see your point, but it's not like you're gonna actually meet that person nor replace your SO for online flings. Online messages or written words saying "I love you", etc. can't be taken that seriously, esp. when you meant it as a joke the whole time. I mean when if you're in a relation, not this particular day you're alone and bored, not studying, nor hanging out with friends, basically not doing anything, then a little online exercise would come to mind.

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I just think it's the feeling that your partner is getting off with someone else, even if it's just over the phone or online. I mean a lot of people find sex a very intimate act that the fact that they are sharing that act with another person, whether it's for fun or not can be very difficult for a person to take.


I'd have a problem with it if my partner was doing that, even if it was just for "entertainment." It tends to make a person wonder "why won't they do that with me, what's wrong with me? Are they not attracted to me?" it makes the person feel very insecure about what their status of their relationship is and if the person wants to be with them.


it may not seem like a deal breaker, but it sure as hell hurts ... just look at how many people post about these kinds of situations.

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It's not like you're bringing germs, it's just virtual.


So if some stranger sees you touch parts of you that only your partner has, that's okay?


but it's not like you're gonna actually meet that person nor replace your SO for online flings


And how is that person's husband or wife supposed to KNOW their intentions? No one is psychic. If you fondle yourself in front of strangers, what's to stop you from doing it in person?


you're alone and bored, not studying, nor hanging out with friends, basically not doing anything, then a little online exercise would come to mind.


There's a little thing I like to call self restraint, honesty and commitment. I guess those qualities aren't that common anymore.

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i don't quite exactly have personal experience with this, but my ex who recently broke up with me, i met off of myspace. we didn't have cyber sex or anything, but we did starting talking online, then on the phone and we met up and things happened from there. in my situation, seeing him on myspace and wondering if he's talking to anyone else is a given. because that's how i met him. and since he broke up with me recently, who knows if he's doing the same with someone else. i'd really like to know, but i can't. that's his business.


but even though they're not physically having sex with someone, like monkey1 mentioned before, it's an intimate act. it's not jsut a phsyical thing, but a mental and emotional thing too. it makes the partner think if they're not good enough that they have to do that. or they lost interest and is finding other way to satisfy themselves. or they might say it's only a one time online thing, but they could be lying. you don't know that. and it indeed is disrespectful.


have you ever experienced this first hand? if you haven't, maybe that's why you can't understand. it's like when my ex didn't like the fact i had male friends and would hang out with them. i'm not doing anything wrong, i'm not cheating on him. what's the big deal? i didn't understand because i never been in a situation where the person i was with had female friends and hung out with them. the only 2 guys i've been with never had female friends. but i can imagine if he was with one, i probably wouldn't like it either.

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I think you may not understand so much now because you are 19. No I am not saying you don't know much. I am saying that if you and your partner be it a lover or your spouse were cybering other people that is going outside the bounds of friendly conversation.

Have I done it? Yes. Did I enjoy it? Yes Was I in a realtionship? No Was he in a relationship? No I think if I came home to find my S.O. cybering some chick in say Omaha and he was J.O. to her words or on cam then yes he is cheating.

I don't have a problem with it if your two single and consenting adults I do however have a problem if one or both are involved with someone else.

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if cybersex when you're in a committed relationship isn't cheating because there was nothing emotionally serious about it, then neither is getting yourself a prostitute.


if it isn't cheating because the two people aren't actually touching, then neither is having intercourse with a condom on.


and if cybersex and phonesex aren't "real" sex, would somebody please explain the concept of swapping orgasms to me? as long as there are two real people involved in something like that, i call it a sex act.


good or bad or both, this seems to be the sexual wave of the future. we might as well call it what it is.

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I see your point, but it's not like you're gonna actually meet that person nor replace your SO for online flings. Online messages or written words saying "I love you", etc. can't be taken that seriously, esp. when you meant it as a joke the whole time. I mean when if you're in a relation, not this particular day you're alone and bored, not studying, nor hanging out with friends, basically not doing anything, then a little online exercise would come to mind.


If I'm alone and bored, J.O.ing on a webcam is not the first thing I would think of doing. Also if told soneone online I loved them, my Mrs would have every right to want to know more details.


Although the boundaries might be different between some couples, I would say that cybersex is crossing the boundary.

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