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losing interest

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recently my girlfriend and i have been having sex in the morning before she goes to work. beforehand our sex life was great, now that we started this morning thing im not sure what might be the problem, now that it's not as great. im worried that im not attracted to her anymore or just that im losing interest in her. i desperately want our sex life to be just like the way it was and maintain a steady general interest in her. please help.

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for one, i love her. i've never felt this way about anyone else and there is no explanation for this feeling other than love. normally, our sex life is great. such as in the afternoon or at night. but lately, in the morning it just hasnt been dandy. do you suggest that we lay off of it as a normal routine because it will get boring?

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Well, I don't know about anybody else but sex in the morning has never been my thing. Sure, I'll do it but it just feels bland. I don't know why either and the only way I can explain it is that I'm just not wired that way. Give me that same morning sex once the sun goes down and I know for a fact I'd be feeling different about it. Perhaps it is the same for you?

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I definitely prefer night sex. 100%


The only morning sex I have ever had is on the weekends. It is very gentle (she is just waking), usually involves a little more hand/mouth work initially and very gentle sex, not overly physical. I like it but it doesn't really do the job for my girl much of the time.


She goes for hardcore ^&KCing more than anything. The more passion and aggression I show the better. And that just isn't something I get revved up about early in the morning. Wild nights are the way to go!

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i do like morning sex but sex at night for me seems to bo more intense and close, i think that if ur scared of losing interest in someone then u need to try new things to try and spice it up a bit, for me if i love someone and enjoy making them feel good then i dont think i could ever get bored. try role playing or maybe licking stuff off each other.

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