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been out of the game for a while lookign for help


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i need your help..i picked up a smoking hot chick sat night...fitness model

material..well she gave me her number..i called monday..left a msg..she called

back 10 miutes later..we chatted for a lil bit..then she had to go..she said she

would call em later on..she called the next day,..we chatted for 10 minures the conversation got a little stale..nothing too bad..then she was like , hey

listen i just finished lunch with my friend i will cally uo later on tonight

when you get back home frm work...i was busy last night anyays so i am glad she did not call, but what is my move now..do i wait for her to call again..do i give it a day, and then call her..i amnot sure what the rules of engagement are?

tis been a while since the break up

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its about time kell...i have been dating but all have been ehhh..you knwo i ama work out freak, and i woudl like my woman to be in shape, just like i am..her personality was super cool to boot, but i dont liek people that say they will call when they dont, but hey she owes me nothingright now right? problem is she is a bartender ans she works thursday-sat night

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Give it a couple days at least and get her for either this Sunday or some day next week but not Saturday. When you talk to her you'll need to schedule a hang out session. Your goal is to get to know her in person, not over the phone. The dynamics of communication change significantly over the phone compared to in person. I also recommend in person meetings so that you will be able to guage her reaction to your words, how attracted she is to you (by reading her body language).


Don't comment on her looks, if you must comment on something make it her earrings, nails, clothing, shoes, or even makeup. Commenting on her looks puts her above you and you don't want to fall into the "every other guy" category. Good luck.

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For future reference after you get a girls phone number what you want to do is use that time on the phone to get some face time with her, invite her out with your friends, some coffee after work or something else but the idea isnt to play phone tag the idea is to get to know her better and you will have better results if you do that in person. I think it all depends on how you want to play the situation, you can wait for her to call or you can take a more proactive role. It all depends on what you do normally, telling you to wait when you are only going to call anyway isnt going to help you. You have to find out what works for you and your personality.

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i chatted with her for an hour after the bar closed..it was not like i got the number and disappeared..i am a face to face guy hate talkign on the phone especially when you first meet soemone..it just fizzles ..this much i know

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You should quit having phone conversations already and set up a date. If she had interest in you then she is probably waiting for you to ask her out, but instead you were content to spend a long tiume chatting with her. Notice how she is the one who keeps ending the call? She's not into chatting over the phone with you all day. She would rather meet in person. If you haven't lost her interest already then you need to ask her out to a cup of coffee, out for a drink at a quiet bar, or SOMETHING and you need to do it ASAP.


She said she'd call so wait for her call. If she doesn't call, she's lost interest and you should move on. Quit using the phone to carry conversations. Leave that for in person. Use the phone only to set up dates.

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