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A few breast qs (health+appearance)

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There are a few things I have been wondering for quite some while, and have been unable to find any definitive answers to. I've gotten a lot of 'I dunno' 'i heard' 'i'd guess'.

Thanks in advance for your knowledge and input.


This thread is not meant to get anyone overly thinking about the appearance of their breasts; but the idea is to see what can be done to take care of what we have.


Besides regular old chest exercises, are there are other ways to help keep breasts looking perky? What exercises do you do or recommend?

Does massage of the area help?

Does wearing a proper, supportive bra help? For example: if one were to wear not-so-great bras or go without quite a bit (hypothetically) would it contribute to sagginess earlier on?


What about at bedtime? Is it a good idea to wear a light sports bra or support of some kind for bed?

- - really just want to know what is good/what is bad for breasts of the larger variety in particular.....


For exercise-time like running, etc.: Have any of you found an exceptional sports bra or product that you'd recommend?


Any other tips to keep our breasts looking great?


As for health: Everybody make sure to do your self-exams!! I do mine in the shower, sometimes while lying in bed. Easy peasy and doesn't take much time.


Q: At what age should a woman be getting her first mammogram? Is it after 40? If there is a history of breast cancer (anything else?) are there special precautions a woman should take?


Thank you so much.

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Q: At what age should a woman be getting her first mammogram? Is it after 40? If there is a history of breast cancer (anything else?) are there special precautions a woman should take?


My gyno insisted on a baseline at 35. When that came back normal, she said I didn't need another one til 40. After that, it's an annual event.


For women with a family history of breast cancer, docs generally want to start regular mammograms younger.

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Besides regular old chest exercises, are there are other ways to help keep breasts looking perky? What exercises do you do or recommend?

Various bench presses, fly's, various forms of the pushup.


Does massage of the area help?

I don't think so personally, but I am sure my bf will keep doing it anyway!


Does wearing a proper, supportive bra help? For example: if one were to wear not-so-great bras or go without quite a bit (hypothetically) would it contribute to sagginess earlier on?

Sure helps for comfort.


There is different schools of thought on this one. Personally it for me is a non issue as a comfortable bra is a MUST!


What about at bedtime? Is it a good idea to wear a light sports bra or support of some kind for bed?

Again, various schools of thoughts. I have heard compressing them all the time is not great, so be careful if you do wear bras 24 hours. I prefer to go nekkid at night, and so non issue.


- - really just want to know what is good/what is bad for breasts of the larger variety in particular.....

Well, you can keep them perkier, in the chest muscle, but you can't STOP aging itself. Pregnancy, hormones, menopause all change your breasts.


For exercise-time like running, etc.: Have any of you found an exceptional sports bra or product that you'd recommend?

I have experimented LOTS with these. I swear by the Champion brands, the firmer support ones (I do a lot of running too and they work well). But, what works for me might not for you!



As for health: Everybody make sure to do your self-exams!! I do mine in the shower, sometimes while lying in bed. Easy peasy and doesn't take much time.

If you don't know how, it's good to get an expert to show how to do them. Do them after your period (breast tissue is less swollen then). Use three fingers in small circular motions. Do it laying down, and standing, check your armpits for lymph nodes. Check for discharge, lumps. Track chances and talk to doctor about anything you are unsure of. Some fibroids are normal, but ones that don't go away can be a problem. The earlier you catch changes, the better.


Do them every month!


Q: At what age should a woman be getting her first mammogram? Is it after 40? If there is a history of breast cancer (anything else?) are there special precautions a woman should take?


It is 40 generally (for regular ones, a baseline is done a few years prior). If your mother was diagnosed (or sister) though, often they will recommend you go 10 years before the age of their diagnosis. If you have a genetic risk, they may also recommend them earlier. I have to go in my early 30's for example.


Mammograms are not often done till 40 though as the breast tissue is too dense before this to detect lumps and breast cancer in most women. Also, the radiation can spark something as well, so they prefer to wait.


That being said, breast cancer can occur in women much younger, so vigilance is required. If you are VERY high risk, they may recommend regular MRI's, or ultrasounds which are a bit better for detecting changes in denser breast tissue (and do not have radiation risk that mammograms do). Or take the risk of mammograms upon discussion with you.


Talk to your doctor about what is best for you, based on your risks and family history.

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Recently, one of my kickboxing instructors had us do dumb bell flys ... but with our weights, not a real dumb bell. She said that doing these will make our chests perkier, I mean look at those pecks on super cut guys!!! We have the same muscles, we just need to work them out and they should help our boobies!!


I do have a bigger chest, like you, so as much as many women who are smaller which they had bigger breasts, believe me, they're not all that they're cracked up to be!! Especially when you're doing physical activity ... moving everywhere! Anyway, when I started my classes, I knew I needed a sports bra and the one I have is also by Champion like Raykay's. It helps and I'm a D cup.


Wearing a correct bra does make you at least look physically better. I've thought about going and having someone at a department store check to see if I'm wearing the correct bra size, but considering how many women are wearing the wrong size, I guess it wouldn't hurt.


I don't wear a bra to bed. I wouldn't want my breasts all confinded 24 hours a day. Gotta let them breath! I don't see why I'd want to have support since I'm lying down for 8 hours asleep.


Really, I think the best recommendation to make your breasts look great is to make sure you're wearing the correct size/type of bra ... they can be quite flattering!

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Research has shown that support is a must during any activities that cause major shifting in the breasts, such as jogging, aerobics, ect. The reason for this is the Coopers ligament stretches over time, this is the natural support of the breast. When you bounce too much it will cause the delicate ligament to become less and less elastic and eventually leading to sagging breasts. This of course is a natural part of aging, but unsupported movement from exercise can cause it to occur prematurely.


I'm from a family predisposed to breast cancer, so I do my monthly exams and plan to have a mammogram at 30. I am very much against breast implants for one major reason, the greatly impede cancer screening. The implants make it difficult to distinguish abnormal tissue and not to mention the large amount of scar tissue created also changes the breasts geography.


My girls and eye don't always see eye to eye since I'd rather they were a size or two smaller. I do my best to take care of them since they are a part of me and maybe one day they might get to be used for their real purpose (nah ).

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I have read that when a woman exercises....a support bra is needed. And also my mom made a comment when we were out to breakfast the other day about a woman whom was VERY pregnant but not wearing a bra. My mom pointed out..."she is going to regret that much later...I know it is much more comfortable but she will regret it..." So coming a woman whom has three kids...I will take my mom's word for it, wearing a bra throughout a pregnancy is important too.


I have read chest flies and pec exercises helps too. But I also believe in genetics as well. Some it has to do with genetics. I am lucky in that sense, as I have not been well-endowed. LOL

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I find that the tops that have a stretchy, built-in bra are comfortable to wear to bed. The "confine" just enough, but you still feel "free" and able the breathe in them.


As for a sports bra- I've been through many different kinds and the only one that has allowed no movement at all are the ones made by Enell. Unfortunately they are pretty expensive for a sport's bra- but well worth it. They are the only ones I've tried that prevent me from feeling pain and bouncing when I run.


Exercise can help to make breasts appear perkier. You're not actually firiming the breast tissue itself- , but the pectoral muscles behind it.



Wearing a correct bra does make you at least look physically better. I've thought about going and having someone at a department store check to see if I'm wearing the correct bra size, but considering how many women are wearing the wrong size, I guess it wouldn't hurt.


I would actually suggest that. I had been wearing 36C's for as long as I can remember. However I decided to get measured one when time I went shopping and I was wearing the WRONG size. I had to switch to a 34D. I could feel a big difference in comfort level- especially regarding straps no longer digging into my shoulders. With so many variations in bra sizes, sometimes you think you're in the right size, and you're really not.


Does massage of the area help?


I don't think it does. (My husband would like to believe so )


But as with any other skin- moisturizing is probably a good idea.



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Definitely get fitted professionally, it makes a WORLD of difference.


Something like 90% of the population wears the wrong size bra and most don't know it! Everyone's breasts, chests/ribcages are different and it's important all factors are taken into consideration.


And, you should get fitted regularly - anytime you gain/lose weight, after pregnancy, and so forth.


As for support when running, well, I definitely have always done that, I have little choice since I do run/bike and that can be rather...jarring...if I am not well supported. With good support, my breast comfort is high, and I don't even notice I have boobs...this is the effect you want when you are doing high impact stuff! Some women also double up and wear two bras at a time, though if you have a good sports bra that FITS, it should not be necessary except in very extreme cases.

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There has been no research providing results that clearly show it is healthier to wear a bra or to not wear one. However, I have read that depending upon the size of a woman's breasts, it can be healthier to be braless because bra-wearing means there is no need for the Cooper's ligaments (the breasts have support from the bra) and so they become weaker and then the breasts become saggier quicker. I do not know if this is true, but this is just something I have read.


This is probably going to sound really stupid.....but I may as well say it because it's the truth. Ever since I was a child, I used to watch those National Geographic specials that come on TV and highlight animals and wildlife. Some times they do not focus on animals, but have specials on different societies or tribes in the world. Whenever they showed a tribe that live "primatively", and who had men and women who were always topless- the women in the program always had extremely saggy, deflated, almost hanging pan-cake looking breasts (even the young ones!). After seeing that- I decided a long time ago that I would ALWAYS wear a bra.


It truly believe that while some sagging is inevitable with age- wearing a bra can definitely help in the long run. I just remember those programs....




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Maybe it is also because they are running around topless? I don't think just walking without a bra does any damage, but running and jumping will because the breasts bounce more


LOL That could be it!


Note to self: no running around naked.



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Note to self: no running around naked.




Your husband will be soooo disappointed.


A side note on those programs you saw -- you'd also need to take into account the nutrition (or lack thereof) those women had to cope with. That probably would have some impact on their entire physical being, including the state of their breasts. Also, might the number of children they nursed (and for how long) have some effect?


But, hey, if it keeps ya motivated to do what ya gotta do....

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