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Ok this doesn't seem to be fun no more, starting to feel sorta empty!!!!!!!!

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Hopefully if I write here, none of my friends nor relatives will have to see nor heard what I'm feeling like, with no life and sorta depress. I think I may be a commitment phobic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Truth is, I'M NOT NORMAL for sure. I know if I was dating a single guy and he were to state his real feelings and even dare to drop the "L", I would totally freak out and already get very bored, or even become g/f and b/f but end up cheating on him very faster and instead move on to a guy that's taken, even marry. Then again, if I'm alone, that's it, no life at all, I mean yes, just graduated, do work, do have a scholarship, and a car but still no life but being always the other girl going for few of my best friends' men. Yesterday I was chatting with one who's marry and says he wanna meet me sometime next week and well they did cyber.


All I know it's already starting to get bore, I wish I can commit and I'm not happy right now, in fact I been overeating and drinking lately. Only no one sees this, I don't show it, to everyone, I'm very happy.

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It seems that you're afraid becuase something bad could happen...you don't want to deal with change and because of this, you panic and then don't know what to do. I suggest first, don't overeat and don't drink. These are not good ways to cope with this problem. Second, try to relax and just have funf or the time being. You're still relatively young and shouldn't worry too much about commitment. If you do get involved in a relationship, than tell the person you're dating that you don't want to commit. If this is that big of a problem for you, than try to figure out why it is. Do you want a serious relationship or do you feel that you have to have one, if you are in a relationship?

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