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1st cousin sex

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She Marred, well thats down to you and her at 50+ you know by now whats right and wrong.

OK, but husband allows her together with cousin as he is of ill health.

Im 40 and at my age would not but ask me again at 57

Yeah, right, I asked my gf (36) what she thinks what if I can't. She: you can do it until you are 80. Me: What if not, She: Smiles. (I have a tongue). OK, many guys never use their tongue.


I know men in their 50s, some with a very attractive wife, who are not interested any more, them do not have young girl either and are happily impo. Talk and drink with the boys, watch TV, movie, sleep in their own bed, how boring.

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Your 45 im 40 Mottoogreen, who are we to tell a 50+ year old what they can and can not do, after that much life I think they can have a bake from the norm dont you.

In this case it seems OK for them to have a break from the norm.


We do not tell but we listen and we explain, and them decide. Which is IMHO what good advice is all about.

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