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1st cousin sex

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i am a 57 yo male who has a 56 yo female first cousin. since i was a teenager ive fantisized about having sex with her, ive even fantisize about her while masturbating. over the years weve always been close to each other. weve always talked about sex , shes shown me double D breasts in a discrete way several times, let me feel on her when we were younger. shes married to a man several years older than her. a few months ago she was coming to visit for a few days, before she got to my house she called to make sure i was home, before she hung up she told me what happened on vacation stayed on vacation. the next 2 nights before going to bed she would be sitting on the couch with her robe on with legs strechted out rubbing them together as if she knew i was looking at her do this. needless to say i didnt sleep much because this really turns me on. i would really love to have sex with her, but i dont want to ruin the relationship that we have if im reading her wrong. she is suppose to visit me in a couple of weeks for a few days. does anyone have any suggestions about how to handle this. i do want her sexually.

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maybe more overriding than the cousin issue (which is a pretty big one at that!) is that she is married. I don't think you should be involved with messing up her marriage.


seriously, if I were her husband, and I found out, I would get the biggest, meanest lawyer in town, and sue the pants off the both of you and make sure that you wound up homeless on the street.




I am serious though - it is very tempting, but given the combination, it's really not the wisest decision to make, to say the least.


I think you should cancel her "visit" and really try to make new lady friends.


Maybe you are more attracted to the thrill of doing something wrong?

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Fairview, I concur with previous posters. Cheating is a very bad foundation for happiness.


1. The most you can do as a good friend you could advise her to sort out her husband by seeking therapy and treatment or to ask her to learn how to masturbate.


2. You have to avoid similar situations for the sake of both of you and her marriage.


Alternatively, should she choose to leave/divorce her husband to be with you, I wish you both all the best. Being cousins - you can consider the implications, no kids - OK, but moraly?


You may want to think hard whether 1. and 2. would be the most sensible solution.

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I agree with everyone else. The first she is married so not only would you be disrespecting her husband she would be too. Second you are cousins and that is just a fire you shouldn't play with. Ok lets say you have sex and it ISNT great and it ISNT what you thought. Then what? How will family gatherings be? If you don't think that it will casue any problems you are only fooling yourself.


What about you are you married? If so focus on your wife, if not then try dating someone that turns your attentions away from your cousin. You're contemplating opening Pandoras box and you know how that turned out.

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It seems to me that you are putting yourself into a situation where you know exactly what is going to happen. The temptation is already there and if she is going to be spending some time with you then you are asking for trouble. I am not going to preach to you and tell you what to do but realize what you are setting yourself up for here. You need to decide the course of action that you want to pursue.

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people in most tribal cultures marry thier cousins, and they are genetically different enough that there isn't much chance of birth defects.


...does the bible not also claim that Adam & Eve were the first two people on the planet? if it is a sin to sleep w/ family members, how did their children have children?...uh-oh....


...just a couple points I had to throw out there.

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fairview your going to do what your going to do. We can only offer up our advice and it is your choice to listen to it or do what you must.


If that is the excuse you are going to use to get in to bed with your cousin then I guess in sickness and in health till death do us part means nothing to your cousin or to you.

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being that her hubby is having health problems is she looking for some release with me? shes knows that i wouldnt tell if anything happened.


You are more virile, she is horny. You need release, she wants release.


If you can be a saint, you follow 1. and 2.


If you are selfish, you make her follow the alternative.


If you are worse, you do as you like.


We do not choose for you. I won't condem you either.


I think about her then I think about him and then also about you.

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being that her hubby is having health problems is she looking for some release with me? shes knows that i wouldnt tell if anything happened.


I agree with elektra. what if things go bad and her husband finds out? then what? was it really worth it? what if the sex is bad?

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I might be being a bit liberal here, but as long as you don't plan on mating with her, I really don't see what the big problem is, however, she is married, so if you were to go through with it, it would be ethically wrong of you. So really it's more the marriage thing than it is the first cousin thing, that's a problem.

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yeah, I have to agree with you redqueen.... I am also a lot more concerned that she is married, rather than the cousin thing.


After all, if you can marry your cousin in the United States, then our country, is in fact, saying it's ok with sex with your cousin. However, most people seem to react strongly to the thought of sex with a cousin.


Ironically, though... the senate was just trying to push through an anti-gay marriage amendment to the constitution. But, it's ok to marry and have kids with your cousin????

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After all, if you can marry your cousin in the United States, then our country, is in fact, saying it's ok with sex with your cousin. However, most people seem to react strongly to the thought of sex with a cousin. ...


First I thought no kids, never mind. Then I applied the same argument to siblings and it clicked. Mating with cousins and siblings is a very bad idea.

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But done often in many countries, such as Japan.


Had a gf in Hong Kong whose parents (primarily father) wanted her to marry a 2nd cousin from the mainland whom she never had met. She eventually married a Canadian.


Her mother could not have further children after her and there was no son. He divorced the mother and remarried to produce a son. He looked after her and her mother though.



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i met with my cousin for several hours yesterday. i told her about my feelings for, she told me that she had the same feelings for me. we discussed her being married, she told me that she and her hubby had dicussed her getting a sexual partner due to his health. she told me that he already knows that she wants to try this with me. we did not have sex at this meeting. we are going to meet in a coupe of weeks for a few days and see what hapens.

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Hi fairview,


Her hubby allowing her a sexual partner due to his ill-health is very amicable. IMHO, this effectivly removes the obstacle of her being married. However, please consider effects of such entanglement on her, she should not leave her hubby for you or he likely would be very upset.

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Humm thats one hard.


Your over 50 as is she, so no kids, kind of cuts the 1st cuz thing out as a problem for your children. So its just cultur.



She Marred, well thats down to you and her at 50+ you know by now whats right and wrong.


I would say, go for it but know that it will not last and that you know the kind of pain this may bring.


But at 50+ lifes not the same as time in running out and if you both think its ok to have one good but moralty bad fling then its your call.


Im 40 and at my age would not but ask me again at 57

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