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that i want to try being with a woman. i am married and going through a hard time - and that is not a reason for wanting to turn bi - or anything. it 's just on my mind a lot. i think women are beautiful. i always have. i keep thinking that i need a "special" friend, and that the right person could really help me out right now. as long as they knew it was just casual. i know it is cheating on my husband - but right now it looks so tempting. i don't know where to meet someone. i think it is going to happen - i have seen some events in my life leading up to it. i just hope it is soon!!!

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YIKES! normally, I would have maybe suggested you and your husband have a three-some, or maybe he could watch you with another woman, with his permission, so it wouldn't be cheating...




if there is this much abuse, perhaps it is just best to get out of the marriage.

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I suggest you get away from your husband first and then find a woman to have a relationship with.


If I was the woman I certainly wouldn't be very happy if I discovered there was a abuse/violent husband in the background that could show up at anytime.


Good luck and take care.

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I suggest you get away from your husband first and then find a woman to have a relationship with.


If I was the woman I certainly wouldn't be very happy if I discovered there was a abuse/violent husband in the background that could show up at anytime.


Good luck and take care.


I think you should 1. get away from your husband

and 2. be by yourself for awhile.


Discover who you are and what your wants are. Don't just dump the husband and then hook up with a honey. Not good for you.


Could you be seeking female intimacy because of the abuse at home and fear that all men are like that? I mean being with a women is not a big deal. If you have had these thoughts for awhile thats one thing but not because of your current situation. Resolve one thing at a time.

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thanks for all of your concern and responses - although a little friggin harsh i might add. fantasties are a part of life. whether i think about a man or a woman shouldn't matter. i am having them because i am unhappy and unfullfilled. the fact is it's cheating no matter who you are with. i never said i WOULD do it - i said i THINK about it. there is a big difference. but if i am going to be attacked for voicing my thoughts then i am not coming back to this sight. good luck ya'll.

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We werent attacking you. When you post something about an abusive huband and then in the next breathe want to be with a women. You must admit you would have probably responded the same way. I don't find what anyone said to be harsh or attacking. It is advice and just that. You can choose to listen to it or choose to do your own thing.


We know you are unhappy and you need to get out of your current situation. Fantasies are healthy yes and are wonderful but reality is you need to dissolve this marriage. That way you can fulfill all your fantasies be it personal, career, etc.

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rosemary, please understand that everyone here wants to help you and then speak thier mind. I must agree with them. Being in an abusive relationship must be horrible and it can't go on like that. You need to get out of it for your sake and recover from it for a while. And about your thoughts, it's okay to experiment but try to keep it outside the relationship and hwen you're feeling good again.


People around here care about you and whenever it's a bout an abusive relationship it's extra sensitive (some here have even been in abusive relationships themselves). please understand us as we're trying to understand you.

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