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Scared of getting older...

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Actually I think that may be one reason why I'm scared of getting older... I haven't done all the crazy stuff people who are in their early 20s do! I haven't had sex, tried drugs, even been drunk! Yet I'm a good-looking young chick! lol. I don't know, I don't think I'm that type of person though... I might go to some parties this summer & try weed, but ultimately I don't think it's like a rite of passage or anything....




It's NOT a rite of passage. it's a rite of stupidity.



awww good times, good times.

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It's NOT a rite of passage. it's a rite of stupidity.



awww good times, good times.


heh... do you think it's really lame if I haven't experienced these things though? I think the reason why is because people enjoy going to parties with friends... but I don't really have a close friend group per se... I lost touch with people, feel like I can't relate with them so well anymore... now the best friends I have made I don't see so often because they're busy doing their own thing and don't really like to party much either. For me, an idea of an exciting time would be visiting a theme park or going somewhere exotic, a vacation on a beach, or something like that... not necessarily doing drugs & having sex with loud music blaring in the background or anything...


Plus not having my license makes things more difficult. I'm hoping to get it this summer. I think I'll just attend a cool pool party in the city this summer once it gets hot even if I don't know anyone there... and make some new friends. House parties, IMO are often lame & I don't always like the people there anyway...

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I'm 25, and I used to be scared of "getting old" too(lol). When I was 15 I couldn't imagine being 25. Now I am.

I hate it when people tell me that I shouldn't still be reading comic books and standing in line to see Star Wars movies.


Screw them! I'm never growing up!


What it all comes down to is age just being a number. You are only as old as you look and feel.

You can't stop time, but you can slow it down by living a clean and healthy life...and never stop growing(or else you're dead).

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As you age, your priorities are going to change. While youth and beauty may be important for you today...perhaps your children and your husband will be important to you when you're 30.


Think back when you were 10. What was important to you back then? Dolls? Rollerblades?


As we grow, we mature. I'm a guy, and I remember back when I was your age; someone told me that by age 40, I would have a dramatic decrease in my sex drive and this terrified me! I couldn't think of a worse punishment! I felt like I was going to die and go to hell, it was that scary!


I'm 37 now, and the thought of losing anything doesn't frighten me so much. What's important to me nowadays is my career, my house, my family.


Just don't be afraid of the future and what might happen to you. Things change, priorities change, age changes, and it's all going to happen to us whether we want it to or not.


The thing that matters is today, now, here, you're who you want to be.

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As you age, your priorities are going to change. While youth and beauty may be important for you today...perhaps your children and your husband will be important to you when you're 30.


Think back when you were 10. What was important to you back then? Dolls? Rollerblades?


LOL...great example. Here's why you made me laugh: I remember being about 7 or 8 and my parents dragging me along with them from one furniture store to the next looking for living room furniture. It was B-O-R-I-N-G...horrible...awful..dull...and I swore I'd never be that boring ever.


So, a few months ago we bought a house...moved in over Memorial Day weekend, and we need living room furniture. We are driving from place to place looking for the right sofa/chairs/loveseat/tables....and wouldn't ya know, it sure is fascinating now.




Let's not even discuss the amount of time I spent studying paint chips at Home Depot.

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Being old sucks.


Being old and poor is worse. Put some effort into your career, and put aside some savings. Take calculated risks to advance yourself while no one is depending on you, because you will not be as able to do so later.


Being old and divorced is worse. You will have to go to more trouble to attract members of the opposite sex, and will have less money due to child support or single parenthood. Choose your partners wisely while you're still very attractive, don't waste time on a loser, don't drive away quality partners with stupid behavior, and don't get married unless you know you'll still want them when their bodies deteriorate and are pretty sure they'll still want you.


Being old and regretful is worse. Don't pass up opportunities to do memorable things, especially memorable things that require your full strength and a lack of commitment to a family. Such opportunities may not be repeated.


Get plenty of exercise and keep your weight down. This will slow your own deterioration.


Other than that there's not much you can do, except to vote for measures that will tend to speed medical advancement and against measures that will tend to retard it. Your only chance of living through the next hundred years is medical advancement, and lots of it.

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I also wonder how old wayne is.

He seems to have unique insight into aging.


Ah, y'know it just runs counter to what I've experienced thus far....I was starting to think I might be a freak or something.


Except that part about being poor sucks. Being poor does suck no matter how old you are when you're broke.

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Oh, and wayne...expectations and beliefs of gloom and doom have a weird way of coming true.


We create our reality with our thoughts, which in turn influence our actions.


Fortunately, thoughts can be changed with a little effort.


Now, what kind of future would you really want to create for yourself?

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