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Im peeling, nooo

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Gentle bathing or showering will help the peeling. Keep the skin moisturized as well. Put some aloe on it.


Do NOT pull off the skin with your hands if it is not ready to come off. You will expose the skin and tissue underneath to infection if it is not ready quite yet.

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Avman is right, just let the skin peel off on its own. I think if you try to hasten the peeling, you may get scars. I have noticed that once you burn real bad for that season, your chances of getting burned again drop. A few weeks ago I started to swim again and the first time I went swimming, I got really burned. I waited about a week to swim again because I wanted my sunburn to heal and then I went swimming again and this time I just got darker, and consequently the same the next few times I went swimming again.


Good luck.

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I have noticed that once you burn real bad for that season, your chances of getting burned again drop


I would not count on that. While some people have a tendency to burn and then tan, that is not true for all skin pigments. Plus you run the risk of increasing the chance of skin cancer by repeated exposure to the sun without sunscreen.


You gotta use sunscreen.

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I know, it was before i made the topic. Im not familiar with peeling, i think it happened to me twice before when i was young. Its been a very long time.

Hmmm, how long do i have to wait before tanning again? im determined to fix this before i go on vacation

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I know, it was before i made the topic. Im not familiar with peeling, i think it happened to me twice before when i was young. Its been a very long time.

Hmmm, how long do i have to wait before tanning again? im determined to fix this before i go on vacation


Day 8 after getting burned and im still peeling >


Deffinatly will be more careful next time ](*,)


Hope you get yours sorted before your holidays. GL!

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Thanks hun,

I was burned last thursday and today the peeling has begun, so 4 days in, i have 4 more days til vacation so hopefully everything will work out.

If anything this is has taught me that noone is immune

to the hazards of the sun

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Even when you don't SEE damage, your skin and your cells are being damanged. Heck, a TAN is a sign of cellular damage. It is rather funny it is actually seen as a sign of health when it is a sign of tissue damage!


Also, there are both UVA rays and UVB rays. UVB's penetrate only the epidermis and cause burns and are the more common cause of sunburn, UVA's go far deeper and this is what causes that long term "aging" damage. Both contribute to skin cancer, age spots, and so forth.


It is VERY important to use a broad spectrum sunblock/screen that will block/screen BOTH UV rays. In Europe and Canada look for Mexoryl in the ingredients, studies have shown this is one of the most effective blockers. In the US Mexoryl is not yet approved by FDA, so look for Parsol 1989/avobenyzone, or titanium dioxide. There is a difference between sunscreen & sunblock too, so be aware you ARE getting protection against both UV reays whichever you choose. Reapply OFTEN. Once in the morning before a few hours in the sun is NOT enough. Even waterproof/sweatproof ones need reapplication.


Use at least SPF30 for longer time in sun, and SPF15 for daily use - SPF15 is also acceptable for less sensitive individuals but reapplication is necessary. From SPF30 to SPF40 there is a minimal increase in protection, and people also feel much more "protected" and get lax on reapplying or taking other protection measures. If you use SPF40 you still need to reapply as often as with SPF30. However, for more sensitive individuals that extra bit of protection (ie it blocks about 1% more than SPF30 it may be important!).



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Make sure you drink lots of water and be careful not to expose the burn to more sun. Take anti-inflammatories like Ibuprofen and use aloe maybe with vitamin E. Keep an eye on the area, only use mind soaps and avoid scrubbing, just sweep the area lightly with soap and rinse immediately. There are some topical products for the skin with antibacterial agents and what not, I'd avoid them because they can cause more irritation. I think there's a creme called "After Burn" that is made for sun burn care.

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