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Romantic Instruments


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I've always wanted to learn how to play an instrument. But I was thinking to myself, if I'm going to learn one regardless, why not learn one that might be appeal to someone else? What are good romantic instruments. I've been hear the guitar is a really good one but, any others come to mind?

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Why not play an instrument YOU want to play??? Playing is an enjoyment not a catcher of romantic interests. If you want to play the guitar wonderul. If you want to learn the kazoo do that too.


Just learn for yourself and not for someone else.

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I think that any instrument can be romantic if you put *yourself* into it.


It is like this - I bellydance. I have seen many bellydancers who are pretty and lithe and technically skilled dancers, yet, you don't "feel" anything for them, because they don't project a "sexy" or "sensous" attitude. I know one dancer, I have seen her dance, she looks like Jessica Alba, but when she is dancing, she looks like she'd rather be anywhere else. She just looks bored. And that is not attractive.


Then I have seen dancers who aren't quite as technically skilled or pretty, but they are much more intriguing and engaging dancers, because they put a lot more of themselves into the dancing. If you understand what I mean.....


The same with music. I played piano for a long time, and there are musicians who are technically skilled, but they don't make you "feel" anything. And vice versa.


What instrument appeals to you?


The flute, trombone, tuba, etc... can all be romantic if you pour your heart into it!

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You really should pick something you WANT to learn/play, because otherwise you really are not going to enjoy it, and thereforeeee not really dedicate yourself to learning it.


It is about what you put into it, if you love what you are doing, that WILL shine through.

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Well, I don't know anyone who wouldn't like a guy to sing a song to them while playing guitar!


But like the others have said, you should choose something that you find interest in. There are so many instruments out there and if you don't really enjoy the one you choose then you might not make the effort to get good at it.


Why not go to a music store and look at different instruments and see which one appeals to you?

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Learn to play what you like. My suggestions:


Violin - but not if you're tone deaf! You have to 'know' where the notes are and this can be difficult. If it sounds 'sharp or flat' you have to know to adjust your fingers.


Clarinet/Saxophone: good for a beginner because it's specific fingerings for each note, it's all a matter of memorization


Piano: everyone should play the piano at some time in their life

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