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Guess what happened last night?

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I got engaged! I'm so excited!


Yesterday we woke up and I said, "hey let's go out today," and my bf agreed. So we went to a quaint little tea house, and had tea for a while. Then we walked around the building and there was a spa inside. So I gazed over the products for a little while, and then suddenly I hear him say "reservation for ______" and I turn around and said "What???" He had made me a reservation at the spa for a hot stone massage and a body wrap! It was awesome and I was so happy to have someone so thoughtful. "You deserve a treat" he told me.


So when it was done, I came out to the lobby and he was wearing a suit! He handed me a bag of my dress clothes and said "put this on, we're going to go out for dinner." So by this time I'm really questioning what's going on but he said "well I just got my new job and I wanted to celebrate!" and I thought that sounded right


So when I was ready, he took me to this reeeeeeally FANCY french restaurant. It was beautiful inside, and the waiters put your napkin in your lap sort of fancy


So then the meal was done and we were having such a fun chat about this and that. Then I said to him "I'm so lucky to have you." And he said, "do you really think so?" And I said, "yes very much."


Then he said "Good then this will make things easier!" and he got down on his knee and proposed in the restaurant! I was in total shock and stared at the ring like I was mental for a bit, then said "Yes!" and took the ring and couldn't even remember what hand it went on! Total brain death!


Then we get home and I run for the phone to call everyone I have ever met and the bedroom has the door shut. When I went in there were candles lit, and rose petals scattered everywhere. Wow! And he had champagne as well


Just had to share because it was such a perfect evening!

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That sounds like great fun, I like the transition from talking to proposing, that would have been an absolute GODSEND for him


Would have been so dam nervous, and for an opportunity like that to happen...


Congratulations, heres hoping it all goes well *cheers*

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HOW WONDERFUL!!!!!!! That sounds like the best proposal. One that you will enjoy and the listener will enjoy for many years to come.


You are very lucky and very blessed.

CONGRATULATIONS to you and your fiance


P.S. Please don't turn into one of those bridezillas. They are SCARY!!!

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Eeeee! Major props to your boy for really thinking every lil detail through! Congrats on an amazing proposal and for having an amazing boy!


(Bet you still got the "newly engaged" perma-grin on the go )

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AHH!!! I'm SOOO happy for you girly!! That's amazing and you totally deserve it because you're such an awesome person...


Honestly, reading that I was all "AWWWW!!"...love reading stories like that. I wish you the best of happiness, a wonderfully loving marriage and a sexy honeymoon



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